Does Caste Matter While Marrying Someone We Love?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 1
Viewed 111
No. Think of it this way: What if someone hadn't divided people into groups (caste basis)? What if humans were just humans and not hindus, muslims, christians and bla bla? Man made beliefs (myths mostly) are beliefs meant for dumb people who follow the system made by someone else. That someone must be a huge personality that people actually follow his stupid system! I read somewhere- We live in a world where we have to hide to make love but violence is practiced in broad daylight. So my take on this is- Always be with people who love you and care about you. Take your chances. Take your experiences. Everyone needs love. Humans will be humans, caste is just another barrier created by that someone else! So you both create your own caste after marrying each other ;) Read Also : What relationship facts should everyone know before getting married?
Answered 2 years ago   Wolski Kala Wolski Kala