How Did You Know You Suffer With Depression?

Asked 10 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 124

Yes, I took a selfie crying! To keep up with the days, I was extremely disappointed. I didn't send it to anyone and I won't publish it out of sympathy, because guess what! When someone is depressed, nothing they say is enough to make a difference.

I realized I was depressed when the days and hours of crying became more frequent and longer.

I spent less time with my family because I didn't want them to see me like that.

I was too absorbed in things I didn't like just to feel a few minutes of peace.

I knew I was depressed during my stay. Little by little I felt more relaxed. I have to go somewhere.

I don't call anyone anymore when I feel bad because I realize people find it annoying or something. Finally, say that this only makes things worse.

I no longer pretend to be happy because I feel that this won't change reality.

I think of being annoying when people laugh or talk a lot and I want to hit them and wonder what reason they have to be so happy.

I give, no. It doesn't bother me if people treat me negatively. I feel realistic.

I think too much and prepare for the worst because I prefer surprises to shocks.

I also realized that depression is caused by a series of events that may be minor problems for the people who experience them, but can be suicidal for the people who experience them.

I think I'm dying every day, but I have to live for my parents and do a job I hate so I can give them my salary.

I also have no reason or desire to live. Because life may be full of ups and downs for others, but I haven't seen any ups and downs in a while and I'm sure things won't get better in the future.

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Answered 10 months ago Olivia ScarlettOlivia Scarlett