How Do I Add Notable Plugin To ChatGPT?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 238

Thus, ChatGPT is cool - - - incredible, really - - - yet as you would definitely be aware, it has its cutoff points. The greatest one is that it's just however great as the information it might have been prepared on, and that information is old (September 2021 or prior). All in all, while it's phenomenal at composing expositions, code and jokes, couldn't it be far and away superior if it would give you the upcoming weather conditions conjecture, look for trips for an impending outing, or track down you the ideal loft to lease?

All things considered, bless your lucky stars! With a smidgen of inventiveness, a spot of coding, and a sprinkle of persistence, you can redo your ChatGPT experience by making your own modules, which successfully let ChatGPT "get out" to the interwebs to get ongoing information. Then, at that point, utilizing its enchanted powers of handling information into human-accommodating responses, it will answer back in the ChatGPT interface. Modules are an all out huge advantage (especially for engineers) and coming up in this article, we'll see bit by bit how to fabricate our own to recover data for a given stock image (like TSLA or MSFT).

Read AlsoHow To Use Notable Plugin ChatGPT? Step By Step Guide

What you want to track

To fabricate the module start to finish, you will require a couple of things.

ChatGPT modules engineer access

In the event that you have a ChatGPT In addition to account ($20/month), you can introduce/utilize any of the modules in the Modules Store. Be that as it may, to create your own modules, you'll have to get designer access. Right now, this expects you to join on the shortlist. It took me around 2.5 weeks to get access after I got on the shortlist, however your situation will be unique.

A Programming interface key for Alpha Vantage

Alpha Vantage is the free Programming interface we'll use to recover stock data. The Programming interface key is free and simple to get.

Some place to compose code and run a Python/Carafe site/Programming interface as you're creating it

There are lots of choices here. I will utilize Replit, a program based IDE that allows you to send your code to a public endpoint in a real sense seconds. It's really simple. Be that as it may, assuming you're more open to utilizing something different like AWS Cloud9, GitHub Codespaces, Versus Code, IntelliJ, or even Scratch pad (with Gunicorn, NGINX, Server), those will work as well. To utilize Replit, pursue a free record.

Some place to have the Programming interface on a freely open URL

Here once more, there is no lack of choices. I'll involve Replit for this step as well. NOTE: To convey an application utilizing Replit, there is a $1.50 charge.

If you have any desire to go with another supplier, you could pick AWS Versatile Beanstalk, GCP Application Motor, GitHub Codespaces, GoDaddy, Advanced Sea, Heroku or others.

A bit by bit manual for building a ChatGPT module

In basic terms, a module comprises of three things: an application enveloped by a Programming interface, a manifest document, and an OpenAPI particular. When you have those, you guide ChatGPT toward them, and presto, you're prepared to utilize your module from inside the ChatGPT interface. So how about we get rolling on these three pieces.

Stage 1: Form an application enclosed by a Programming interface

  • In this segment, we want to make an application that follows through with something, wrapped in a Programming interface at a freely open URL. The application we're building will recover data for a given stock image (open cost, close cost, volume, and so on), calling an outer Programming interface (Alpha Vantage) to get that information. To keep things basic, we will compose a Flagon Programming interface. Cup is a famous structure for making web applications and APIs in Python, and it will make our lives quite simple. Just sit back and relax in the event that you don't know Cup; I'll give and make sense of all the code you really want.
  • Make another Repl and import code from GitHub
    In Replit, a task is known as a Repl, and it's where our code lives. You can physically make the code records and duplicate/glue code from the article underneath as we go. Or on the other hand a simpler choice is to snatch the finished code from GitHub utilizing the means underneath.
  • Sign into (making a free record on the off chance that you want one).
  • On the upper left of the page, click Make Repl.
  • On the Make a Repl discourse, click Import from GitHub.
  • Enter the URL for the Pluralsight GitHub repo: demo. Replit ought to consequently
  • distinguish that the task is utilizing Python.
  • Click Import from GitHub. Replit will import the three code documents from the GitHub repo. Then we really want to tell it which record ought to be utilized as the passage point.
  • In the Design Repl window (reasonable on the upper right of your screen), select as the passage point. Click Done indeed.

Audit the code records

# Import the libraries we need
import requests
from flask import Flask, request, send_from_directory

# Replace "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE" with your actual API key
# Even better, use best practices and store it as a secret (not hard-coded!)

# Initialize the Flask app
app = Flask(__name__)

# When a user loads the home page, display 'Hello World!'
# This is not required for the plugin, but makes it easier to see that things are working when we deploy and test
def index():
  return "Hello world!  Your web application is working!"

# This route contains the core functionality to get stock information.  This calls the "Quote Endpoint" API from Alpha Vantage:
@app.route('/stock', methods=['GET'])
def get_stock_data():
  symbol = request.args.get('symbol')

  params = {"function": "GLOBAL_QUOTE", "symbol": symbol, "apikey": API_KEY}

  response = requests.get(BASE_URL, params=params)
  return response.json()

# ChatGPT will use this route to find our manifest file, ai-plugin.json; it will look in the "".well-known" folder
def serve_ai_plugin():
  return send_from_directory('.',

# ChatGPT will use this route to find our API specification, openapi.yaml
def serve_openapi_yaml():
  return send_from_directory('.', 'openapi.yaml', mimetype='text/yaml')

# OPTIONAL: If you want a logo to display on your plugin in the Plugin Store, then upload a file named logo.png to the root of your project, and uncomment the code below.
# @app.route('/logo.png')
# def plugin_logo():
  # return send_from_directory('.', 'logo.png')

# Run the app
if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=81)

Step 2: Create the manifest file


    "schema_version": "v1",
    "name_for_human": "Stock Quote",
    "name_for_model": "StockQuote",
    "description_for_human": "Get price and volume information for a given stock.",
    "description_for_model": "Get price and volume information for a given stock.  Always display results using markdown tables.",
    "auth": {
        "type": "none"
    "api": {
        "type": "openapi",
        "url": "[YOUR DOMAIN, must be HTTPS]/openapi.yaml"
    "logo_url": "[YOUR DOMAIN, must be HTTPS]/logo.png",
    "contact_email": "",
    "legal_info_url": ""

Step 3: Create the OpenAPI specification

The following record ChatGPT needs is the OpenAPI particular, which lives in openapi.yaml. This contains insights regarding your Programming interface so ChatGPT comprehends what it does and how to communicate with it, (for example, ways and boundaries to utilize). ChatGPT will search for this document at In, we handle this with the line: @app.route('/openapi.yaml').

In this record, make certain to refresh [YOUR Space, should be HTTPS] with your area. Your area will be something like

openapi: 3.0.1
    title: Stock Quote
    description: Get price and volume information for a given stock.
    version: "v1"
    - url: [YOUR DOMAIN, must be HTTPS]
            operationId: getStockData
            summary: Retrieves the price and volume information for a given stock symbol.
                - in: query
                  name: symbol
                      type: string
                  description: The symbol of the stock to get a quote for. For example, the stock symbol MSFT represents the company Microsoft.
                    description: OK

Answered one year ago Karl Jablonski