How Do I Set Up Passwordless Authentication On My GitHub Account?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 153

It's a well-established fact:

Security is important in these times.

So much so that security advocates and businesses alike are hailing the importance of "highly secure" and "unguessable" passwords for the online accounts and services they operate.

Whenever If you want to access your account, just enter your personal password and go! You're in!

That's great, but every time you need secure access to your account, having to enter a series of logically disjoint characters will quickly become an agonizing routine. Especially if you have to do it once every 15-30 minutes like me.

Luckily, as I recently discovered, there is a way around that.

But before I talk about it, please listen to me why I really needed it.

The Problem

Working with Git CLI and Github has been amazing for me after overcoming their relatively steep learning curve.

As amazing as they In my experience, part of the process that still bothered me was having to enter my Github email address and an unnecessarily complex passphrase every time I had to push changes to a remote repository.

Even Heroku CLI never asked me for my email address and password twice in the same day.< /div >

Git CLI Github?

Each. Simple. Time.

If I pressed the remote control ten times for two minutes, I would have to enter my credentials, those ten times.

Well, until I discovered SSH.

The Solution

SSH : short for Secure Shell: is a cryptographic network protocol for the secure operation of network services in an insecure network (Wikipedia ).

Since setting up SSH from my PC to Github, tech jargon aside, I've never had to enter my credentials every time I log into repositories distant.

Run Git Push now, instead of asking for my Github email address and password, it automatically authenticates with Github servers and pushes my changes "to the cloud".

Okay wait, it's not magic, but trust me, once you set it up (if you haven't already), you'll feel like this.

How to go about it

Connect to Github with SSH from your local computer is quite easy thanks to a guide Github itself They provided us.

First, check if you already have SSH keys on your computer: link.

If not, generate a new SSH key: link - then add your SSH key to the SSH agent by running:

eval “$(ssh-agent -s)”

and then running

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Once you are done, you can now copy the contents of ~/.ssh/ and add it to your GitHub account under Settings >> SSH and GPG Keys >> New SSH Key.

Finally, run ssh -T and pass it.

Having done all that, you can now remotely switch your local repositories from HTTPs to SSH (link), and you'll never have to enter a passphrase when you press again, at least until what you change PC.


Answered one year ago Gianna EleanorGianna Eleanor