How Does One Create A Wardrobe That Is Timeless But Fashionable?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 1
Viewed 215
Creating a wardrobe that stays evergreen is no cakewalk. It requires diligent and thoughtful picking of clothes from the plethora of trending options. A timeless wardrobe comprises clothing which always looks elegant and sophisticated. Trends may come and trends may go but classic clothes shall always stay in fashion no matter what the time. If you have made up your mind to make a switch and go all classic then there are a few things that you must keep in mind. Classic pieces of clothing can be worn anytime, irrespective of the ongoing fashion trends. If you have a timeless wardrobe, you don?t have to get all nervous and jittery about what to wear at all the upcoming events where you need to look your absolute best. Trendy clothes can make you look different at all times but classic pieces of clothing can make you look downright graceful. High-quality clothing ensures that you look chic and impressive each and every time you make an appearance. If you are wondering how to build your very own timeless wardrobe. Fret not, we are here to make it easier for you. Here are the 5 tips on how to build a chic and timeless wardrobe with just a little change in perspective while shopping. Invest In High-Quality Fabrics high quality fabrics The first and foremost thing to do is to choose only and only high quality pieces. Look for fabrics that are handmade or maybe go for fabrics that have a smooth texture. You can know a piece of clothing is made up of high-quality fabric just by the look and feel of it. There is no unevenness or in a high-quality fabric. Once you have started investing in high quality fabrics, you will realize that these are truly value for your money. In the long run, your classy set of clothes will only bring you joy and delight, as opposed to the constant hassle of discarding them after wearing them twice. The flipside of trendy clothing is that it makes you feel elated when you wear them for the first time. The second time you wear them you feel it has lost its charm already and by the third time you start to question why you bought such a piece of clothing in the first place. Choose Neutral Colors neutral colours Neutral colours are the stepping stone to building your wardrobe the classy way. Don?t be fascinated by a lot of colours. Colours such a beige, grey, black, brown, feeble pink, peach, and white are a must have in your wardrobe. Neutral colours look chic and sophisticated to the hilt. You cannot strut along the streets wearing neutral colours without getting some eyes on yourself. Such is the cham of neutral colours. If you wish to flaunt your mesmerising persona with much ease, then neutral colours are certainly going to help you enhance that aura of yours. In order to look distinctive, you don?t need to go all over the board. Simplicity goes a long way when it comes to making your impact felt strongly by others. Choosing simple shapes and colours make it easy for you to mix and match various pieces that you already possess. Symmetrical objects look aesthetically pleasing and so do clothing. Asymmetrical clothing might look eye catchy when they are new but it will take no time for it to lose its charm. The best thing about classy pieces that come in simple shapes is that it gives you as much joy to wear them for the tenth time as much as when you wore it for the first time. People tend to take minimalism in the wrong way. You can look fashionable with countable pieces of clothing in your wardrobe whereas you can look clumsy even after owning piles of clothes. Fashion has nothing to do with how many clothes you own and has everything to do with what you choose to wear. You will be surprised to know that owning just a countable number of high-quality pieces can make you look uber fashionable. From your airport looks to casual looks, with minimalism in mind you can easily nail any kind of style. Building a timeless wardrobe implies creating your own personal style. Don?t go looking at trends with besotted eyes. What seems catchy today might just seem trashy tomorrow! Yes, that?s the ugly truth about trends that no one is willing to tell you. If you have a stockpile of clothes in your wardrobe but you still feel that you have nothing to wear, it?s probably because you don?t own high-quality timeless pieces. Having a personal style that suits your personality and sticking to them is a great way to build your own wardrobe that will remain timeless. Read Also : What are the factors that influence fashion trends?
Answered 2 years ago Pirkko Koskitalo