How To Attempted To Use A Firebase Module That's Not Installed Natively?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 180

import information base from '@react-local firebase/data set'; const reference = data set(). ref('/clients/123'); NOTE: To get a reference to an information base other than a 'us-central1' default data set, you should pass the data set URL. You can find your Realtime Data set URL in the Realtime Data set part of the Firebase console.

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Subsequent to playing out all means from the movement docs, I'm hitting this issue:

You endeavored to utilize a firebase module that is not introduced locally on your iOS project by calling firebase.auth().

Guarantee you have either connected the module or added it to your ventures Podfile.

Obviously, I've attempted to physically connect it however that far has not changed the outcome and I keep on getting this blunder.

I had a go at eliminating node_modules, Units, Fabricate, and Podfile.lock (prior to reinstalling/revamping them all). I've taken a gander at mikehardy's demobuild script, no karma there by the same token.

I didn't have to add anything new to AppDelegate.m, the information required was all as of now there (for example the [FIRApp configure] and import lines).

I'm attempting to do this in my fundamental part:

import firebase from '@react-native-firebase/app';
import '@react-native-firebase/auth';
import '@react-native-firebase/firestore';
import '@react-native-firebase/storage';

At the point when I go to utilize it, I get the mistake. At the point when I attempt to do import auth from '@react-local firebase/auth' and afterward attempt to utilize auth() straightforwardly, I actually get it. I realize the module is there as I print auth out with console.log(auth) and the part is apparent.

I attempted to Add Records to Project - > RNFBApp - > Fabricate Stages - > had a go at adding the RNFB document however that caused a form mistake so I eliminated those.

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Answered one year ago Wellington  ImportadoraWellington Importadora