How To Open The Binary Code Safe In Stray?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 171

Cat experience Stray is filled to the edge with fun riddles to tackle, and you'll experience no deficiency of them upon first showing up in the Ghettos.

beans stray binary safe group Bruise Award

For example, the game's most memorable private area is home to a protected sitting in a heap of trash, which you're probably going to stumble into while investigating the region close to the performer by the lift. How would you open the safe? We can help you out with that.

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Step by step instructions to open the Binary code safe

At the point when you get the note connected to the protected, you'll find that it's just a secret key written in parallel language — meaning it's a progression of zeros and ones, as called attention to by your robot friend, B-12. While addressing most robot natives around the Ghettos, they'll let you know that "main a genuine nerd can understand this," so it seems as though we must find one.

Stage 1: While it's anything but a necessary move toward tackling the secret of the paired code safe's genuine password, you can search out the nerd everybody continues to imply. Advance into the rear entryways, and search for the entryway with the high contrast plans holding tight it. Scratch on the entryway — a robot will open it, allowing you to sneak inside.

Stage 2: Head up the steps once you're in the house and find Elliot sitting at a PC. Assuming you show him the baffling paper, he'll peruse the parallel code and let you know that you really want to look at the Dufer Bar.

Stage 3: Whenever you've conversed with Elliot and gotten the data, mosey over to the Dufer Bar and three step dance right in, then, at that point, hop on the bar and look at the tropical picture holding tight the wall there to wreck it. This will uncover the code you've been searching for: 1283.

Stage 4: Return to the safe, and enter the code you found at the bar to open it. Inside, you'll track down Printed Music 8/8, which you can provide for the close by performer to hear him play a snappy tune prior to being on your meowy way.

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Answered one year ago Thomas  HardyThomas Hardy