How To Work With JSON Object In Javascript?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 392

Are you curious to know about the how to work with JSON object in Javascript? So, here we are sharing with you all mojor point that you need to know about it. 

Below, i have shared the step by step guide. you need to follow each concept. 


There are numerous ways that JSON can be utilized in JavaScript. One of its most essential purposes is putting away information. You can likewise utilize it to move information between clients, between servers, or from server to client. Other valuable applications incorporate the capacity to design and check information as well as produce information structures.

In this instructional exercise, we will investigate how you can involve JSON in your JavaScript programs. On the off chance that you have related knowledge programming with JavaScript, this ought to feel direct for you.

What is JSON?

JSON represents JavaScript Item Documentation. It is an organization intended to empower the sharing of various sorts of information. JSON for the most part uses JavaScript as its essential programming language. It additionally works with different dialects like Python, PHP, Ruby, as well as Java. It is not difficult to peruse, very lightweight, and doesn't need a lot organizing. You can get to know the organization's overall punctuation and construction by following our instructional exercise: An Outline of the JSON Information Sharing Configuration.

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JSON can be utilized all alone or characterized in another record design. When all alone, it utilizes the .json augmentation. At the point when in another configuration, it shows up either as a JSON string inside statements or as an article relegated to a variable. For instance, JSON can be utilized in .html design too. This arrangement permits you to perform information move between the server and the program no sweat.

The JSON format is text-based. The key-esteem information shows up in wavy sections. This is what a regular record .json seems to be:

  "first_name"  :  "Sammy",
  "last_name"   :  "Shark",
  "online"      :  true

In the event that you have a JSON object in a .js or .html record, it will show up as a variable like this:

var sammy = {
  "first_name"  :  "Sammy",
  "last_name"   :  "Shark",
  "online"      :  true

In the event that you have a JSON object in a .js or .html record, it will show up as a variable like this:

var sammy = {
  "first_name"  :  "Sammy",
  "last_name"   :  "Shark",
  "online"      :  true

At times, you might see them across the board line. This is the point at which the JSON renders as a string rather than as an item in the JavaScript record:

var sammy = '{"first_name" : "Sammy", "last_name" : "Shark", "location" : "Ocean"}';

JSON vs JavaScript Object

As we referenced previously, JSON works with any programming language. Nonetheless, you can work with JavaScript objects utilizing JavaScript. The punctuation in JSON and JavaScript is comparative. The thing that matters is that JavaScript objects show up in strings rather than statements. Also, JavaScript articles can involve capabilities as values, it are less restricted to mean they.

In the accompanying model, we are showing the JavaScript choice of a client. The client is Sammy Shark and they are online at the present time:

var user = {
    first_name: "Sammy",
    last_name : "Shark",
    online    : true,
    full_name : function() {
       return this.first_name + " " + this.last_name;

As may be obvious, there are no statements around any keys like first_name, last_name, on the web, or full_name. Likewise, there is a capability esteem set in the last line. To get to the information in string structure, you can call user.first_nameusing spot documentation. In the event that you need the complete name all things considered, you will utilize user.full_name(), as it is a capability.

How to Access JSON Data?

Like we contacted in the last segment, you can get to JSON information in JavaScript utilizing dab documentation. We should accept the case of a JSON object named sammy:

var user_profile = {
  "username" : "SammyShark",
  "social_media" : [
      "description" : "twitter",
      "link" : ""
      "description" : "facebook",
      "link" : ""
      "description" : "github",
      "link" : ""

Functions Used with JSON

Then, we will take a gander at two or three capabilities you can use with JSON. Information move and capacity turns out to be very simple when you can switch JSON from object over completely to string or string to protest. We will investigate how you can stringify and parse JSON in two unique ways:


Strings are smarter to utilize while attempting to move information in a lightweight way. For that reason it is utilized to store and move information from client to server. Think about the accompanying model. Suppose you are gathering information of the client's settings on one machine. You want to send this data to your server. You would involve string for this reason. Then you can change over it back utilizing JSON.parse() to peruse and work with it.

The capability we will feature here is JSON.stringify(). This capability changes over a JSON object into a JSON string. In this model, we will dole out our item to the variable obj. We will change over it utilizing the JSON.stringify() capability. To do this, we will pass the obj to the capability and afterward appoint the string to the variable s like so:


As we saw all through this instructional exercise, JSON has a great deal of executions in JavaScript. It is particularly valuable since it tends to be utilized with practically any programming language, making it the normal choice. Additionally, we just barely started to expose what's underneath. There is a lot more that you can do with JSON. It is now being upheld in APIs.

Answered one year ago Luna Ella