What Are 5 Things Parents Can Do To Promote Good Brain Development?

Asked one year ago
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Easy tips to improve kids brain development

Human brain development is a long process that begins during pregnancy and continues through adolescence. After birth, the process accelerates and the brain develops rapidly until the age of 3 years. This is when children develop their motor, language and communication, social and emotional, and cognitive skills. Therefore, the first three years of a child's life are crucial for learning and development. If you take the right steps at this stage, you can support your child's brain development and improve their memory skills. Most parents enroll their children in formal and expressive classes to sharpen their memory. But the secret is in the little things and how you treat a child. Here are five proven ways to boost your child's brain development.

​Sticking out the tongue

We're sure you might not have thought about the importance of this activity, but believe us, it plays a crucial role in improving your children's language development and nutrition. Model this activity in front of your child and during playtime, stick their tongue out from different angles and give them time to imitate the action. Experts believe this activity will help children practice tongue control and improve motor skills.

​Play memory games

Take your time and play games with your kids to improve memory. Quiz, cards and crosswords - all these games help to improve your memory. Ask them questions and give them time to answer. If you involve them in memory-boosting activities from an early age, they will do better academically. They also develop the habit of testing their memory from time to time.

Encourage reading

There is no doubt: the more you read, the smarter you become. Introduce them to books of various genres from a young age, surround them with reading material and read to them to develop their interest in them. Reading improves perspective and learning ability. They also help you remember information for a long time. Be sure to ask your toddler about their reactions to the story.

Listen to music

Early introduction to different styles of music promotes language acquisition and reading skills. Even learning a musical instrument can improve learning ability and improve school grades. The right way is to expose the baby to different types of music that differ in pitch, time signature, and language.

​Good nutrition

Good nutrition is essential for physical and mental development. Giving them nutritious, healthy foods and limiting junk and processed foods from an early age can help them become smarter and develop healthy eating habits. Seafood, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains can have a positive impact on overall development.

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Answered one year ago Wellington  ImportadoraWellington Importadora