What Are Some Real Life Uses Of Merge Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort And Heap Sort Algorithms?

Asked 11 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 426

Quick Sort is a proprietary algorithm that uses a divide and conquer strategy. The array of elements is repeatedly divided into parts until no further divisions are possible.

  • Partition swap sorting is another name for this.
  • Divides elements using a key element (pivot).
  • A left partition contains all elements smaller than the pivot, while the right partition contains all elements larger than the pivot.

Merge Sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that divides a list into multiple sublists until each list of sublists contains only one element. We will then merge these sublists so that the resulting list is sorted.

The elements are divided into two subarrays (n/2) until n has only one element.

Merge sort uses additional memory to sort the auxiliary array.

Merge sort uses three arrays, two to store each half and the third to store the final sorted list. The other two will be merged and then each array will be sorted recursively.

Finally, all sub-arrays will be merged to get the array element size "n".

Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that takes the elements of an unsorted element, inserts them in the correct order before the other elements, and repeats the process until all the elements are in the correct order.

The algorithm is easy to implement and generally consists of two loops: an outer loop to select elements and an inner loop to iterate through the array. It works according to the same principle that we use to sort the cards we have in hand.

Stack sorting can be used in a SIM card shop with a long queue of customers. . Customers who need to pay bills can be served first because their work takes less time. This method saves time and avoids unnecessary waiting for many customers in line.

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Answered 11 months ago White Clover   MarketsWhite Clover Markets