It is true.
But many people misuse it. Boys and girls are not same. Boys tend to act certain ways and girls tend to act certain ways. Yes, it is problem if all boys are forced to act one way by law or social rules, and girls another, but where everyone is free to choose how to act patterns of behavior are seen.
For example, young boys play rough. As long as they are having fun and not getting too much, it is fine. Boys will be boys. In fact it is important for boys to play rough. A boy will get too rough, hurt his friend by accident, and still want to play and be friends so he will learn to not use all his strength. It is how he learns control of self. How else will boys learn to be gentle if they never get chance to learn this?
Or building things. Many boys like to build things. When hiking or at beach my Sir likes to build rock towers. He will build them as tall as self if he can. He does this everywhere. I have seen many men and boys do same, but don?t usually see women do this.
Or throwing rocks at ice or from high place for big splash. Again I see men and boys do this very often, but not usually women or girls. There is whole thing on tiktok of men throwing rocks off bridges or dams for big splash. One video I saw on beach man threw big rock into the water and other men all hoot and holler and dance around like chimps. They were playing of course, but I cannot imagine large group of women doing same thing.
Yes, some people misuse ?boys will be boys? as excuse for terrible behavior, and this is not okay. But problem is misue of phrase, not prhase itself.
?Boys will be boys? is good way to explain things boys and men do that make no sense to most women and girls. It describes behavior that does not need to be stopped, is only weird, silly, or stupid of you are not boy. There is whole genre on tiktok of videos ?for the boys? that mostly seem dumb or silly to me but Sir enjoys when I show him.
When children come home covered in mud and sticks and proudly show momma they have caught squirrel, never mind there is plenty of food at home and no need to chase squirrel, momma sighs, ?boys will be boys?, free squirrel, and hose boys off before allowed inside. Most girls would not do such thing. No, I did not repeat story Sir did, why do you ask? :P
?Boys will be boys?, when said for correct reason, is like ???????? for baffling things boys do.
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