What Is Your Unedited Opinion About Johnny Depp?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 1
Viewed 94

He seems a very sweet, generous and kind guy who is a bit awkward due to an inate shyness and is a rather unique character in many ways. I think he is very misunderstood by many and they should stop relying on main stream media sensationalism. I have seen the smear campaigns. I believe he is also a victim of society’s double standards. Men can be victims of abuse.

I believe he is a bit of a softie, a people pleaser and is a prime target for a manipulative, abusive sociopathic type of woman.

I think metoo, needs to change their slogan of “believe all women” to listen to all victims of abuse be they man or woman. Women lie too and the less scrupulous will use them to their advantage.

I feel he has been treated unfairly by my country’s media, justice system and also Hollywood. I think there is much hypocricy out there and I am not surprised more male victims of domestic abuse do not come forward. Until we change as a society this will continue.

The current cancel culture has become toxic.

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Answered 2 years ago ragini singhragini singh