What Memory Management Technique Does Linux Use?

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What are you finding here? if you want to know about the what memory management technique does linux use. step by step guide below all the points mentioned. 

Process memory the executives is an essential part of any working framework. In Linux, memory the executives framework is intended to productively oversee memory use, permitting cycles to access and utilize memory they expect while keeping them from getting to memory they don't possess. In this article, we will talk about process memory the executives in Linux exhaustively, covering different viewpoints, for example, memory allotment, virtual memory, memory planning, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Memory Portion

Memory portion is cycle of doling out memory to an interaction or program. In Linux, piece gives two primary techniques to memory portion: static and dynamic.

Static Memory Allotment

Static memory portion is finished at gather time, where memory distribution for a program is fixed and can't be changed during runtime. memory is apportioned in program's information area or stack fragment. information area contains worldwide factors and static factors, while stack section contains nearby factors.

Dynamic Memory Assignment

Dynamic memory distribution is finished during runtime, where memory designation for a program can be progressively changed in light of program's necessities. portion gives different framework calls, for example, malloc(), calloc(), and realloc() to designate memory powerfully. These capabilities assign memory from store section of program's location space.

Virtual Memory

Virtual memory is a memory the board method that permits a program to utilize more memory than is truly accessible in framework. In Linux, virtual memory is executed utilizing a blend of equipment and programming. equipment part is Memory The executives Unit (MMU), which is liable for making an interpretation of virtual memory locations to actual memory addresses. programming part is portion's Virtual Memory Chief (VMM), which oversees assignment and deallocation of virtual memory.

Memory Planning

Memory planning is a procedure that permits a cycle to get to a document's items as though it were important for interaction's memory. In Linux, memory planning is executed utilizing mmap() framework call. mmap() framework call maps a record into a cycle's virtual memory address space, permitting interaction to peruse and write to document's items as though it were important for its own memory. Memory planning is ordinarily utilized in applications like data sets and mixed media players, where huge records should be gotten to effectively.

Shared Memory

Shared memory is a procedure that permits numerous cycles to get to same piece of memory. In Linux, shared memory is carried out utilizing shmget(), shmat(), and shmdt() framework calls. shmget() framework call makes a common memory section, shmat() joins shared memory fragment to an interaction's location space, and shmdt() confines shared memory portion from cycle's location space. Shared memory is normally utilized in between process correspondence, where numerous cycles need to effectively share information.


Trading is a method that permits bit to move pages of memory from Smash to a trade space on circle when framework's memory is low. In Linux, trading is carried out utilizing a blend of equipment and programming. equipment part is plate, which is utilized as trade space. programming part is piece's Trading Chief, which oversees trading process. At the point when framework's memory is low, Trading Director chooses pages of memory to trade out to plate, opening up memory for different cycles.

A few extra ideas to consider incorporate −

Portion Memory The board

The Linux portion itself likewise requires memory the board, and it utilizes a different arrangement of memory the executives strategies to oversee bit memory. Portion memory is utilized to store information designs and code expected by part to work. piece utilizes procedures like memory planning, page storing, and memory portion to oversee bit memory.

Memory Assurance

Memory assurance is one more basic part of memory the executives in Linux. Memory assurance procedures keep processes from getting to memory they are not approved to get to. MMU executes memory insurance by utilizing page tables, which map virtual memory locations to actual memory locations and track consents for every memory page.

Memory Discontinuity

Memory discontinuity happens when accessible memory is partitioned into little, non-adjoining pieces, making it challenging to allot bigger blocks of memory. Memory fracture can prompt execution issues and even crashes assuming framework runs out of memory. Linux bit utilizes a few strategies to oversee memory fracture, including memory compaction and defragmentation.

Memory Break Recognition

As referenced before, neglecting to deliver powerfully designated memory can bring about memory spills, where memory isn't gotten back to framework and can ultimately make program crash because of inadequate memory. Distinguishing and fixing memory spills is significant for keeping up with framework steadiness and execution. Linux gives a few devices to distinguishing memory spills, including valgrind, which can identify memory spills and other memory-related issues.


All in all, cycle memory the board is a vital part of any working framework, and Linux is no special case. Linux bit gives a hearty and effective memory the board framework, permitting cycles to access and utilize memory they expect while keeping them from getting to memory they don't claim. In this article, we examined different parts of cycle memory the executives in Linux, including memory designation, virtual memory, memory planning, shared memory, and trading. Understanding these ideas is fundamental for any Linux engineer or executive to oversee memory use in their frameworks effectively.

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