What Should I Do If Everybody Is More Intelligent And Talented Than Me?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 1
Viewed 271

Have you ever felt that some co-workers, friends or family members pick up new skills easily? Somehow, these individuals seem smarter than the rest of their peers.

Maybe you want that intelligence. Whether you're looking to advance your career, find new talent, or simply improve your life, extra intelligence could be essential.

The good news? Everyone has the ability to learn to be smarter. You may even have experienced this process yourself during your training. Almost everyone would say that after 4 years of college they feel smarter than before.

However, in today's fast-paced world, what are the easiest ways to get smarter? With a few new habits, you can harness your brain power and get smarter, fast.

Is there anything I can do to be smarter?

Can you get smarter throughout your life? Well, you can definitely find out more. You can gain experience and research a wider variety of experiences. And you can adopt new practices that can help you learn faster.

Your intelligence is not a fixed trait you were born with. Yes, some people can of course acquire new skills, languages ​​or talents more quickly. However, you can educate yourself to do the same.

However, increasing our intelligence does not come without effort. Our lifestyle must be able to support brain growth.

The foods you eat, how you grow from your rigid mindset, and how you take care of yourself all play a role in your ability to become smarter. The little daily habits you choose to do can make a big difference in your efforts to get smarter.

10 habits that can help you become smarter

Many daily tips and habits can help people become smarter. However, remember that what works for some may not work for others. Try all of the following habits to see a real impact on your intelligence.

Here are 10 habits you can incorporate into your daily life to become smarter:

1. Find out more
Reading can introduce you to new topics that stimulate your neural pathways and improve brain health. Whether it's picking up a book from your shelf, downloading a reading app to your phone, or stopping by the library, the most important thing is to make time to read.

As a bonus, try non-fiction when choosing your next book. Both learn new information and expand their vocabulary.

2. Surround yourself with like-minded people
Spending time with smart people won't magically make you smarter. However, it will help you connect with people who inspire you and motivate you to keep learning. Exposing yourself to new opinions and perspectives allows you to think about them more. This is an ideal method to get smarter faster.

3. Start exercising every day
Numerous studies show a strong link between physical activity and brain function. When you're physically active, activity increases in your hippocampus, the part of your brain that fuels neuron growth. This growth of neurons can improve brain function, which is a great way to get smarter.

Whether you're signing up for your city's marathon or starting a daily 30-minute walk, any form of exercise will help you get smarter.

4. Learn a new language
Speaking more than one language trains your cognitive skills and improves your ability to multitask. Changing languages ​​requires a lot of concentration, attention and self-control. In fact, some studies show that bilingual people are smarter than the rest of us. So if you want to know how to get smarter, enrolling in the language course nearest you is a good place to start.

5. Look for learning opportunities
You don't have to stop learning when you are no longer a student. Today, knowledge is endlessly available online, often for free or at very little cost. Listen to a podcast on a topic that interests you or watch TED Talk videos.

You can also join a site like Skillshare or Udemy. Imagine how much smarter you'll feel after spending 30 minutes learning something new over the weekend.

6. Reduce screen time
If you want to get smarter every day, start by tracking your screen time. Studies have shown that excessive smartphone use impairs cognitive performance. Try using an app to set screen time limits and send mindfulness reminders throughout the day.

You can also delete unnecessary apps from your phone or, for example, make a habit of only using your phone after breakfast.

7. Practice meditation
Meditation is a powerful tool for improving brain function and increasing emotional intelligence. When you feel busy or overwhelmed, a meditation practice can allow you to pay attention to your body and your feelings. This, along with using meditation to manage stress and anxiety, can free up space in your brain to focus and learn new skills.

8. Check out video games
In moderation, video games can help people develop their decision-making skills and improve their concentration. There are many educational games that teach people skills like math and linguistics. Additionally, fantasy and adventure video games can strengthen reasoning skills applicable to real life.

9. Try caffeinated drinks
We all know that coffee gives us more energy. Caffeine also increases the ability to concentrate, puts you in a good mood and can increase motivation. Being more alert will help you better understand new information. If you're looking to get smarter faster, a cup of caffeinated tea or coffee might just be the boost you need to kick your brain into high gear.

10. Let your imagination run wild
When you allow yourself to dream and think creatively, you can process information and connect ideas. Sometimes we force ourselves to think too critically or too seriously. Instead, if we relax our mind and allow ourselves to think creatively, it can stimulate our brain to remember things clearly.

The different types of intelligence


There are many types of intelligence that you can develop as you get smarter and smarter. For example, you might already feel pretty savvy when it comes to Excel spreadsheets. However, this does not mean that you only focus on your strengths. You can also work on developing your intelligence in other areas such as linguistics or music.

Here are different types of intelligence and the strengths of people who have them:

Linguistic intelligence

  • Writing and using words to express themselves
  • Reading, speaking, and grammar
  • Board games like Scrabble that depend on a knowledge of words

Numerical intelligence

  • Talent for mathematics and puzzles
  • Using logic and reason to solve problems
  • Patterning and probability

Kinesthetic intelligence

  • Physical activity that demands coordination
  • Great control over their bodies
  • Uses tools like building blocks and chalkboards to act out their learnings

Music intelligence

  • Carrying out tunes of music and matches certain pitches
  • Excellent sense of rhythm
  • Creative with sound to create beats

Interpersonal intelligence

  • Great communicators
  • Thrives in collaborative environments
  • Comfortable with negotiating

Intrapersonal intelligence

  • Prefers to work alone
  • Processes emotions well
  • Learns through self-reflection

Spatial intelligence

  • Has an eye for design
  • Excels at drawing and painting
  • Learns best with visual clues

Naturalistic intelligence

  • Understands the natural environment very well
  • Thrives in subjects like biology and geography.
  • Always curious about nature





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Answered 2 years ago White Clover Markets