What Type Of Reaction Is Alkaline Hydrolysis?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 172


Ingredients that cause alkaline hydrolysis are commonly used in the formulation of detergents. Caustic hydrolysis is a chemical reaction that occurs when hard organic residues are exposed to an alkaline solution, such as many of our Alconox, Inc. cleaning products. Caustic hydrolysis breaks down these residues into smaller, more soluble molecules in water and more easily emulsifiable.

In particular, there are two common types of waste that are degraded with alkaline cleaning agents. They are called esters and amides. Hydroxide ions in the alkaline solution bind to the residue and essentially break it down through a process called nucleophilic substitution. Hydroxide ions decompose esters into carboxylic acids and alcohols. They also break down amides into carboxylic acids and amines.

Esters and amides, which break down into carboxylic acids, alcohols and amines, are now smaller polar molecules and as such are more easily dissolved or emulsified. Conclusion: Easier to be "grabbed and swept away" by aqueous detergent when cleaning.

Many biological compounds are esters or amides, so alkaline hydrolysis is an effective technique for presoaking biological residues. That's why our customers in the medical device, healthcare, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries use alkaline cleaning agents for their powerful ability to emulsify oily and organic residues.

If necessary, parts or equipment contaminated with stubborn or oily organic residues should be cleaned or soaked in an alkaline detergent such as Detonox® Ultimate Precision Cleaner (although a pre-soak in anything, including Liquinox® critical cleaning liquid detergent, Alconox® powder detergent, detergent water or better than no pre-soak). This is followed by a thorough cleaning with Tergazyme® Enzymatically Active Powder Detergent to leave a biodegradable free surface (or other suitable Alconox Inc. detergent needed in the next step).

Note that in the specific case where the ester is made from an organic acid with a C6-22 chain, the resulting salt will be a soap. These soaps are almost always water soluble and are also effective in emulsifying esters and related compounds. Thus, alkaline hydrolysis can actually produce emulsifying soaps in situ. A little more about detergent versus soap.

When formulating detergents for automatic dishwashers, dishwashers or cabinet washing machines with rinse-in-place, it is very useful to use ingredients that can cause alkaline hydrolysis. Alkaline hydrolysis is a rapid mechanism that can occur during the short period of time a drop of cleaning solution sits on a surface before the next drop arrives and carries it away. Low-sudsing detergents used in automated spray cleaning (washing machines and CIP systems) often rely on alkaline hydrolysis and other mechanisms to provide effective residue removal.

To request a free cleaning agent from Alconox Inc., complete the Request a Sample questionnaire. For more information on our Alconox Inc. cleaning products, please see the Technical Data Sheet for each product. Or click here to access the safety data sheets of our cleaning products.

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