Throwin rocks at a wild Polar Bear ?
Short answer - No. Long answer - HELL NO.
Even if you had a 9mm pistol
And you were facing a polar bear and you were lucky enough to let off some rounds. Guess what ? Be prepared to make peace with whatever deity you follow and learn from the lesson and do better in the next life.
Even if you hit them they?ll carry on charging and will get to you. Polar bears have no fear of anything
The only way to stop it was if you were very, very, very lucky and got the bullet through their eye into their brain, maybe.
But areas of instant kill with a bear charging towards you on all fours is about size of teaplate. Can you hit that repeatedly under stress ? You really do not have much time for mistakes.
Their skull is harder and thicker than a motorcycle helmet. They kill seals just by slapping them. Trying to alpha posture by standing tall and making yourself look bigger will accomplish nothing. Read Also : What is the heaviest element with an atomic number less than that of other elements?