British actor Hugh Grant has divided viewers at the 2023 Oscars with a "painful" red carpet interview. Mr Grant got off to an awkward start on Sunday when he became the object of laughter and criticism for his blunt responses. The actor was interviewed by Ashley Graham, who seemed unprepared for his answers. Ms Graham, one of the hosts of American television's Countdown to the Oscars, asked the 'Notting Hill' star if he was excited about the prospect of winning some actors. To which Mr. Grant replied, "No... No, no one in particular."
Mr. Grant then gave Graham as little work as possible. When Mrs. Graham asked, "What are you wearing tonight?" Mr. Grant replied, “Just my suit.
Ms Graham also asked the actor about the Knives Out sequel, Glass Onion, which was nominated for an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay. "Tell me what it's like to be in Glass Onion, it was an amazing movie, I absolutely loved it, I love thrillers," Ms Graham said. "Is it fun to photograph something like that?" She asked.
To which Mr. Grant said, "Well, I'm on it. I was on about three seconds." Ms Graham replied, "Yeah, but still, you showed up and had fun, right?", to which Mr Grant replied, "Uh, almost."
Ms Graham realized she had hit a wall with the actor and ended the interview. She wished him goodnight, to which the actor responded by rolling his eyes.
Several users shared the video of the interview on social media, saying it was "the most embarrassing TV show of 2023", while others simply called it a "disaster". .
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Answered 2 years ago
White Clover Markets
British actor Hugh Grant has divided viewers at the 2023 Oscars with a "painful" red carpet interview. Mr Grant got off to an awkward start on Sunday when he became the object of laughter and criticism for his blunt responses. The actor was interviewed by Ashley Graham, who seemed unprepared for his answers. Ms Graham, one of the hosts of American television's Countdown to the Oscars, asked the 'Notting Hill' star if he was excited about the prospect of winning some actors. To which Mr. Grant replied, "No... No, no one in particular."
Read Also : What awards has Danai Gurira won?Mr. Grant then gave Graham as little work as possible. When Mrs. Graham asked, "What are you wearing tonight?" Mr. Grant replied, “Just my suit.
Ms Graham also asked the actor about the Knives Out sequel, Glass Onion, which was nominated for an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay. "Tell me what it's like to be in Glass Onion, it was an amazing movie, I absolutely loved it, I love thrillers," Ms Graham said. "Is it fun to photograph something like that?" She asked.
To which Mr. Grant said, "Well, I'm on it. I was on about three seconds." Ms Graham replied, "Yeah, but still, you showed up and had fun, right?", to which Mr Grant replied, "Uh, almost."
Ms Graham realized she had hit a wall with the actor and ended the interview. She wished him goodnight, to which the actor responded by rolling his eyes.
Several users shared the video of the interview on social media, saying it was "the most embarrassing TV show of 2023", while others simply called it a "disaster". .