Why Greater Productivity Leads To More Income?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 1
Viewed 257

Productivity doesn't just increase your efficiency. If done correctly, it can also increase your income. The problem is that traditional systems get productivity wrong.

You define productivity as the ability to do more, faster. But this approach only speeds up the hamster wheel we are already on. Sometimes, instead of moving forward, our productivity gains leave us exhausted, burned out, and frustrated.

True productivity is not about doing more. It's about doing things right.


The trick is to identify and invest your time in what I call your Income Generating Activities or IPAs. Unfortunately, much of what happens is that the business has little to do with generating revenue. According to employment consultants Brent D. Peterson, Gaylan W. Nielson,

Much of the work that people do does not produce results. . . . [A]In all the organizations we studied, about half of the work done fails to advance the organizations strategies.

Half! Think about all those chores, routine meetings, or chores that don't generate revenue or income for your business. Peterson and Nielson refer to these activities as "false labor".

The problem with traditional productivity tips is that they don't filter out fake jobs. But being productive doesn't mean speeding up unproductive work. This means focusing your efforts on the APIs that contribute the most to your business.


Whether you work for yourself or for a large company, there are three ways this kind of productivity boost translates into more revenue and greater impact.

  1. Added value: When low-quality dummy work is so prevalent, there's a great opportunity to add real value. While many of your employees are happy with non-demanding tasks, top performers can help their organization achieve their goals.
  2. To increase the sales: Whether it's launching new products, generating more revenue, or increasing billable hours, focusing on your APIs will help increase your business revenue. This income has a good chance of leading to higher claims, increased returns, higher commissions and/or bonus earnings. redemption time.
  3. False labor may fill time: but productive labor redeems it. By reducing drudgery and other low-reward activities, you can invest your hours in high-return tasks and ideas while leaving room for rest and relaxation.


These three reasons add up to have a bigger impact, not just for your family, but for the world around you. Increasing your income creates an opportunity to share and invest in the lives of others. As my friend Stu McLaren says, "money is leverage".

More income for you means more charity for others, new jobs for others, and new products and services for others.

False labor, on the other hand, deprives others by diminishing our influence, no matter what we do or how quickly we do it.

I would go so far as to say that I have a moral obligation to earn as much money as possible within the scope of my vocation and my ethical standards. Because? Because there are people in need and I have the opportunity to help them.

If we maximize our income, everyone can win.

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Answered 2 years ago White Clover Markets