The Essential Guide to GPT-4 and Why It Matters

August 10, 2023

Today, get ready to dive in with us in the world of AI. AI aka Artificial Intelligence (not Absolutely Insane). Well, somewhat both of them. AI has transformed our whole world. From minor living chores to the major global events. AI is taking over everywhere and at everything. Want to eat butter chicken? No problem. No need to rush to your kitchen. Just tap and order. Want to get the room cleaned? Too lazy to get started? Who cares when you have a robotic vacuum! It does not stop only here. AI is not limited to our earth or our world. Remember Opportunity and Spirit? The robotic rover who lived a really long life on Mars? Yes! On the Mars! So now you know where we are going with this article. This article is a call for all the techies and AI enthusiast. Because we will discover the amazing world of AI. Oh, and let’s not forget the AI chatbots. Making our lives better than ever. The most famous among them is one and only ChatGPT.

Come and discover what’s the fuss is all about.

What is GPT-4 and how you can use OpenAI GPT-4?

openai chatgpt4


AI used to be just a fancy phrase for people. Now it is the ultimate reality of our world. Openai chatgpt4 api is the biggest milestone in the world of Open AI. It scales the deep inputs. It is the largest multimodal model. It is supposed to give human level performance based on various fields. It is the next generation of ChatGPT 3.5. Which is expected to give human like prompts. Here is how you can make use of openai chatgpt4-

Building engaging content: The openai chatgpt4 can come handy while making the high-quality content. IT can provide data on almost every topic. It can be used for marketing content, teaching content and much more.

Coding: AI chatbots are helpful in coding assistance. Openai chatgpt4 is expected to master the coding skills. It can provide the explanations of codes. Give examples of some code. And even help you generate the new ones.

Text summary: Openai chatgpt4 api will be helpful in summarizing the long texts or articles. It includes research papers or any other documents.

These are only some of the key points of what openai chatgpt4 is capable of. There are endless number of services which can be done using openai chatgpt4.

Can GPT-4 create visuals?

openai chatgpt4


Openai chatgpt 4 is capable of endless actions. Capabilities of AI keep on moving and generating new facilities for humans. They evolve rapidly fulfilling the needs of the time. Openai chatgpt 4 is known to be the “multimodal model” of AI. Thus, it is able to perform both text and image-based actions. The only hang is that it can not output pictures as a response. However, it can receive the visual inputs. Read and understand them. And generate the related content for you. The creative visuals are not available yet. But we can definitely hope for them in future! The makers are all set to bring many more features.

What is the benchmark performance of GPT-4?

openai chatgpt4


The rebuilding of the entire software enabled makers to understand the setbacks and other needs. Some bugs were found and fixed. However, the distinction between the two- GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 is subtle. But it is said that GPT 4 is more creative and we can rely on it more if compared to GPT 3.5.

It is set to present the expanded knowledge of subject matter. Allow the conversational contexts. Be ready and answer for more complex topics. Be creative of responses. The major point which we followed in GPT 3.5 was the awareness of sensitive content. Which we can expect from openai chatgpt4 api.

The ultimate limitation everyone faced with ChatGPT is that it is really bad with math! But worry no more the Code Interpreter has changed it all! It marks another benchmark performance of openai chatgpt4. You can-

  • Analyse and visualize the data
  • Coding (obviously) but better!
  • Solve the math equations

Remember to access it all activate the ChatGPT code interpreter plugin by accessing the ChatGPT Plus (which is not available on free accounts).

How can I access GPT-4 for free?

Ever since the ChatGPT came in light, it became the sensation! However, the 3.5 model is now available to download from play store or app store. You can simply download it and login using your credentials.

With its roaring success, it took over at almost everything. The Chat CPT 4 is mainly on subscription-based mode but here is how you can access it for free.

  • You can find GPT4 for free on Microsoft Edge.
  • Go to official website of bing
  • Once you arrive at the home [age, tap on ‘start chatting’.
  • Here you can start your GPT-4 spree.

Another way to access is to use GitHub’s AI Hugging Face which has introduced the GPT4 for free. Or you can try

The process is simple and includes going on their official website and finding the right spot to begin your journey from. However, if you plan on subscribing it. Then it will cost you 20 dollars per month. It is the largest Openai Chatbot model which comes handy in many ways. Give it a try!

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