The Essential Guide to Social Media marketing

July 28, 2023

these days promoting your product is important by way of spreading awareness among your audience. One way is social media marketing where you spread awareness about your product or brand through social media channels. In today’s time, the role of social media is on a large scale. If you know well how to socially connect with people and aware them of your product then you will see a boost in your sales, growth of the company, and brand awareness. When you want to promote your services/ or product, the goals of social media marketing are attracting more audience and building a good communication relationship with them. This type of marketing strategy is evolving every day which makes it even more important for you to keep yourself updated on how to enhance your content for social media. Social media marketing will indeed grow your business. However, some factors affect your social content, like observing which social platform is more used by your target audience so you can create content and indulge with them accordingly. To meet your goals for social media marketing, let's first check what are different social media platforms:

What are the 5 essential elements of marketing?

goals for social media marketing


1- Whatsapp

You can use WhatsApp to share your content socially in the way of status sharing, broadcasting your information via WhatsApp messaging, etc.

2- Facebook

this social media platform is used by every generation from Generation X, and Y to Z. This is considered to be the largest social media platform where the scope to promote your services and brand is huge.

3- Tik Tok

here you can make short and creative videos to share among your audience as the videos shared via Tik Tok spread too fast.

4- Instagram

another social platform where you can share your content through stories, reels, or status. However, Instagram is not used by all generations.

5- Twitter

a social media platform where words have a strong impact on the public. So use your content carefully here and it will have a great influence on your audience.

There are more than these five social media platforms, like Youtube, Linkedin, and so on. Observe your target audience and then decide on your content.

What Are Some Social Media Marketing Goals?

Social Media Marketing Goals


if you look at it differently, you will find that social media is not just for marketing purposes, but also an opportunistic channel for customer support, interactions, brand understanding, and so on. Are you utilizing the benefits of this platform correctly? To take advantage of it, and make use of your resources to the full, set your goals for social media marketing first. 5 Goals of social media marketing are:

- More brand recognition should be your focus and social media is a perfect platform to meet this goal. Your reach to consumers increases on a digital platform which in turn increases your chance to aware more people about your services.
- Once you have created enhanced content for the social media platform, use that information to interact with the audience and attract them to your website. Your website clicks will be increased and people will get a better understanding of your brand.
- Focus on increasing revenue in terms of sales. Publish online ads on Instagram or Facebook, which will encourage people to view them and go for signup.
- Observe and calculate people's engagement with your posts and stories. More engagement means your content is of good quality and people are understanding it.
- have good customer service support. When you post about your product or service and people ask a query, make sure they get a reply on time which build trust between your customers and you.
- Social media platform has made it easy for customers to share their feedback about your brand. Make sure you react to their feedback and work on the changes. It gives them a feeling of being heard.
- Do not use difficult-to-understand content, or confusing videos to share with the public. Make it easy and simple, so consumers can have a better understanding of your product.

7 Creative Ideas for Social Media Marketing

7 Creative Ideas for Social Media Marketing


The social media platform is widely used by both consumers as well as companies. One aims to grasp a better knowledge of products while the other party aims to promote its product among consumers. This digital platform has brought a large change in companies' marketing strategy and makes it easy and less time-consuming for them to communicate with their consumers and convince them to try their products. Below are simple 7 creative ideas for you to try for social media marketing and grow your business:

1- pay for your product advertisements and run your ads on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. But publish it effectively. Have an option on your ads where customers can respond and ask their questions.
2- Go for a trial method of your product. Run a quiz or a contest where customers are asked to use your product and upload a picture or video and win a prize. This will increase customer traffic towards your brand.
3- Make live reels, or go live with your customers where they can directly communicate with you through messaging option in real-time.
4- Social media is all about staying active and communicating with customer’s time-to-time. This will help you resolve most of your customer's queries and you will be able to react to their feedback instantly.
5- In business, it sometimes becomes difficult to post regularly on social platforms. So to help you solve this problem, have a schedule set up to post regularly. For this feature, there is an app on all online platforms.
6- People on online platforms follow many influencers. Influencers have a great impact on people, they can easily convince them about a product. 
7- If a customer liked your product, asked them to make a video or story of it and post it on their account so you can re-share it on your account as good customer feedback. This will create an impression on other customers.

Is Paying for Social Media Marketing Worth it?

Paying for social media marketing here refers to paying for ads to be published on social channels like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and so on. This plays an important role in brand awareness as paid ads reach a large number of customers online. However, some might think if it is worth it to pay for social media marketing. The answer to this question is yes. Your product gets more and more attention through paid ads and helps your business grow. You can view the final result of these ads and check out the list of customers who viewed it, their choices, and preferences are revealed through ads, they ask questions using your online account after watching ads. Their questions help you improve and make changes accordingly. But before you pay for it, make a list of your goals for social media marketing and check what kind of consumers you want to attract to your brand, and then publish an advertisement accordingly.


Because there are a million users on social media platforms, take advantage of it. Create an online account, create your website, post about your product, publish customers’ feedback, and respond to their queries. Following these tactics will help you make innovations and grow your business. You can even set up a social media team who will handle your social account professionally and will be available for customers 24/7 online.

(By Nikita Jain)