Should I Do My MBA Immediately After My Graduation Or Work For A Couple Of Years?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 1
Viewed 195
There are several reasons why I believe it makes sense to do your MBA immediately after your Graduation. 1. Not Valued as a Graduate: I realised that you are not valued by companies unless you have a Master?s Degree like an MBA, so as a graduate, I would not get a good role and be made to do grind work. 2. Get paid peanuts: As a graduate you are paid peanuts? or definitely less than 50% to 70% lesser income for the same quantum of work. Companies only pay you a high salary only after the MBA. 3. Companies love Graduates: Companies on the other hand try and attract graduates as they get a lot of hard work from us with our enthusiasm to contribute and learn, but they don?t have to pay us a high salary, so from a company?s perspective it is amazing. They get a good resource for a cheap price and help them reduce their cost of manpower and talent. So it is understandable why companies are very happy to hire graduates (Gadha mazdoori ? Exploited and paid peanuts). 4. Work done as a Graduate is similar to an MBA in the first 2 years: Yes, this is true. Companies do not have multiple tiers?. the work is not too different and in many cases it is 80% similar to a new MBA, however the pay is less than 60%. 5. Getting Ahead: My classmates who chose to work after their Graduation are still earning low salaries in their 2nd year after Graduation, I have already got a 80% head start working for a top FMCG company. If they go for their MBA after 2 years, and join my company, they would be in all likelihood be reporting to me. This happens all the time and then they look back and wonder why did they not complete their education in one go in the first place. 6. Chances of Getting Promoted: After working 2 years post an MBA there is a significant opportunity to get promoted, as you have 2 years post MBA work experience. This is less likely if you are just a graduate, so this further reduces your opportunity to learn and grow 7. Getting back to Studies is Difficult : After you have worked for a couple years it gets tough to get back into the academic rhythm and discipline. I knew, I wanted to get over with my education in one go and then continue to grow my career. 8. Work Experience has no significant Advantage in the MBA: In my MBA class there were several students with 2 years? work experience. The corporate world did not give them any advantage and they were competing with me for the same jobs. So what?s the point. At the end of the day, I did not feel that I grasped lesser than them or they had any kind of distinct advantage by doing 2 years of work experience. Yes they were more mature than me and older than me, however given I got several opportunities to learn as a result of the Experiential learning curriculum at UBS, my Internships and work during my BBA including becoming the CEO of ExCoLearn Pvt. Ltd. on my campus where I was leading a company of 100 executives. I have to add, that in some cases it is beneficial for students to undergo work experience. If they are confused, not confident and don?t know what they want to do, then work experience will help them. But, it is the quality of work experience which matters, not some data entry or Tele-marketing or coding work, or on the shop floor work, which is not that high value and does not contribute to the learning. Read Also : What Francis macansantos does mean sampaguita?
Answered 2 years ago Shantun Parmar