What Is The Relationship Between The Conscious And Subconscious Mind?

Asked 2 years ago
Answer 11
Viewed 69481

First, try to understand the difference between conscious and unconscious. You can draw conclusions more easily.

Consciousness is the part of our mind that is responsible for our thoughts and actions when we are awake. Like talking, doing our chores, whatever we do when we're active.

The subconscious is the part of our mind that sleeps while the conscious mind does its job.

An example will make the difference clear:-

When you were very young and learning to ride a bike, your only focus was learning bike tactics. Controlling the handlebars, looking straight ahead, and pedaling were some of the activities you did with your awareness. After a few days/weeks of learning, you may have excelled in riding a bike so that you can leave the handlebars for a while and still have control of the bike, you may be thinking of other things and the bike is still controlled by you. Could you think of it when you had just started your studies?

Why does this happen?

for once we have trained our consciousness for any task, repeating that activity will gradually send the signals/skills/knowledge etc. to the subconscious. This process takes time.

The power of the subconscious is too difficult to describe. Once you have trained your subconscious, you will be unconsciously trained by it. If you can train your subconscious, you can achieve anything you want (obviously achievable things). How you can train your subconscious entirely depends on how you send messages to your subconscious. The repeated reminder to do something would help send signals from the conscious mind to the subconscious.

If you want more knowledge about the subconscious, give it back to me!

Read Also : How does knowledge affect your brain?
Answered 2 years ago White Clover   MarketsWhite Clover Markets

The subconscious controls our automatic movements on a daily basis. Do you remember the first time you tried to ride a bike? Mine certainly didn't go well. But 10 years later, I used to cycle every day to and from work in Amsterdam. The difference is that my subconscious stores all the information I need to ride my bike and my conscious mind pays attention to other things like traffic lights and my surroundings.

Most of us can agree that our behavior is less rational than we think. Our subconscious plays a very important role in each of our lives. But what exactly is the subconscious?

1. The conscious and the subconscious are separated, but they can work together and work together.
In other words, when you change your conscious mind, you don't automatically change the subconscious program. The conscious learns differently from the subconscious. Your consciousness, just behind your forehead, somewhere in the prefrontal cortex, represents you as a unique individual. I think it's safe to say that it's mostly your thoughts.

2. Your consciousness is creative.
It sets us apart from other animals. Our consciousness is so important in human evolution. While other life forms are simply reactive in input/output stimulus response content, we can receive a stimulus and change the response each time. When an animal receives a stimulus, it tends to repeat the same behavior.

3. Your aspirations in life come from your consciousness.
Since the conscious mind is the creative mind, it creates all of your personal desires, what you really want to do with your life, and more. Your consciousness can learn easily by watching people do things, watch a movie, read a book, cook, or take a walk.
One day you might see some random guy swapping out the keyboard of a small laptop and you're like "you know what, I can do this too" and then you find yourself buying the tools, roll up your sleeves and swap broken wrist rests. and his laptop keyboard and decides to open a phone and laptop repair shop. The next day you might want to become a yoga teacher. Sound familiar? Well, you probably know me personally.

In truth, everyone's consciousness works the same way.

4. Your subconscious is the mind of habit.
If you receive a stimulus and there is a habit in your subconscious related to that stimulus, you will automatically engage in the behavior associated with it. It's a habit, all it takes is a stimulus and the behavior will develop on its own.

5. When your conscious mind is lost in thought, your subconscious mind automatically determines your behavior.
That's why you don't have to stop cycling when you start thinking about what to cook when you get home. You can even try to remember the recipe, figure out if you should stop at the grocery store for a missing ingredient, while your subconscious does the crucial work for you: bringing it home.

6. The conscious changes easily while the subconscious is more persistent.
Thoughts come and go in your mind. It changes all the time. Your subconscious needs a little more than that to accept the change you've been offering lately. No, it won't change until you repeat it forever. Imagine a world where your subconscious changes as fast as your conscious mind. God forbid, you end up having to learn to walk every day.

Your subconscious is designed to maintain the learned program.

7. Would you like to change your unconscious reactions? Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
It took me a long time to realize that my problems don't go away because I'm aware of them.
I remember walking out of my therapist's office, it was raining, and we made some good discoveries about my thought patterns. I hopped on a tram home, confidently took the next available seat, and leaned my forehead against the window, contemplating how different my life would be from now on. The next day started as usual and I felt the need to ask for my money.
Funny thing aside, it doesn't matter how much you pay for the psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor or whatever; no one will do the work for you. It's your subconscious, you have to understand it.

You have to be patient and rehearse what you want to change.

Reprogramming the subconscious is a long process because remember that the conscious and the subconscious are separate entities. You end the first part when you realize what you are doing wrong and change, the second part is to repeat it. New awareness or understanding will not automatically change your subconscious programs. You have to keep repeating the new behavior as an exercise, and eventually it will work.

8. Here comes mindfulness…
Mindfulness is a way of life where you keep your mind aware of the present moment and don't let it wander. When your consciousness is in the present, it guides your behavior. Of course, you leave less and less room for your subconscious to take control. If you manage to stay conscious at some point each day and apply your new "changed" or "modified" behaviors, you will eventually, but slowly, change your subconscious programs. Through regular meditation practice, you can get closer to your subconscious.

9. Your subconscious is the friend that whispers in your ear, "You survived before, you will survive again."
It is our subconscious telling us that we can do this when we are faced with a difficult situation. Over the course of our lives, our subconscious collects memories of times when we have been successful and stores them for future reference. Even if you find yourself in a difficult situation that you have never been in before, your subconscious can push you because it remembers the times when you overcame a new obstacle.

Therefore, we can say that it is important to get out of your safety zone, which requires you to appeal to your self-confidence. Each time you rise to the occasion, that subconscious confidence grows even more.

10. Your subconscious does not think or reason independently. Follow the commands it receives from your conscience.
Your subconscious primarily listens to the big, conscious mind.

Your conscious mind plants the seeds and your subconscious mind lets them sprout and grow freely. The next time you try to say bad things about yourself, keep that in mind.

You can't pass a test, but if you make a big drama of it in your head, criticize yourself harshly and punish yourself: congratulations, you've convinced your subconscious that you're a big failure. Is it worth it? I don't know, you do the math. Once you've done it, do it for whatever pops into your head.

Remember, your conscious mind rules and your subconscious obeys.

Answered 2 years ago Wellington  ImportadoraWellington Importadora


For convenience, the mind can be divided into conscious and subconscious,

Consciousness is 5-7%

subconscious is 93-95%,

The two are connected by a narrow sandhi or joint or gate,

It is through awareness that you perform all your daily routine activities, such as walking, talking, working, etc.

When you are sleeping or dreaming, it may be during the day, the subconscious takes over,

All basic emotions reside deep in the subconscious,

Emotions like anger, fear, jealousy, sex, greed reside in the subconscious,

When emotions invade you, because they are very strong, you feel helpless and, to my great regret, say that it happened,

So the conscious is very small, the unconscious is very big, all your past, your imaginary future is there,

Therefore, we all want this subconscious to become conscious so that we can work efficiently and live peacefully.

Answered 2 years ago Ola	 Hansen	Ola Hansen


My personal opinion, especially regarding the influence of the conscious mind on the subconscious, is that the conscious mind plays less of a role than conveying a "feeling of life". Imagine the arrival of a stimulus in the brain. It is responded to in many ways in different parts of the brain. Some of these biases have very little potential and are therefore benign, while others might be strong enough to be considered an active response. This whole process is a dynamic, self-organizing process that occurs at a level that can traditionally be described as the "subconscious" level.

Awareness of this process and its end result will only appear at the conscious level at the end of the process and so (although it gives us a great sense of being "executive") consciousness would only be a "observer" with an illusory sense of being a "doer".

Indeed, the influence that consciousness will have on the formation and structuring of the logical circuits of the brain in the long term, because it later affects the brain process described above, but only a small role in the immediate "control" and direct and activity plays the brain.

Answered 2 years ago Tove	 Svendson	Tove Svendson


Conscious mind is when your mind works after becoming aware of the inside and the outside in the present moment. This information is interpreted by thought and installed in the memory which forms your consciousness. It is based more on the primary consciousness and is considered the level of consciousness of each individual. It is the fundamental source of all creativity and is not based on logic or reasoning.

The subconscious relies on the secondary awareness of the existing accessibility of information from memory. Here the mind does not need to become conscious to become subconscious, it already exists in memory. The mind based on it can function without being aware of it. It can operate in automatic mode and multitask unconsciously at all times. According to many scientists, more than ninety-eight percent of our minds operate unconsciously, drawing information from the subconscious itself. Due to the lack of primary awareness, the mind goes through an incessant chatter of the past and projects it into the future without going through the present. For this reason, we have no control over the mind and are driven to misery and suffering.

Answered 2 years ago Torikatu  KalaTorikatu Kala

Here are the main differences between the two brain systems:


There are already many interesting answers, some of which make sense to me and some of which don't. Also, my answer may appeal to some, not at all to others. I'm a retired scientist who has worked mostly in applied physics, but I also learned a thing or two about computers. For me, the mind is the software that runs in the brain, which is the hardware of the computer that we (and all living things) are. From this point of view, I consider my consciousness as the part of the software that deals with our 5 physical senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and actively analyzes the input of the senses with the past data from the mind and memory (i.e. thought) to make quick decisions about necessary actions, such as The subconscious is where all routines and routines are performed; These are still working in the background, helping the conscious part of the mind handle mundane, familiar tasks like balancing and pedaling forward, while your conscious mind figures out how to avoid obstacles and properly navigate to a new destination.

This is very similar to how software works for a driverless car.

It's no surprise, then, that to an unbiased observer from a distance, the behavior of an autonomous car, navigating foot traffic and making life-and-death decisions, certainly appears to be that of a conscious, intelligent being.


Answered 2 years ago Alexandra DaddarioAlexandra Daddario

Conscious vs Subconscious

In brain research, our psyche is separated into 3 principal parts. Posting them from the outer layer of the brain in to the profound; they are cognizant, subliminal, and oblivious. Numerous analysts have characterized them in various ways. Cognizant and subliminal are the two external most layers of the human brain.


Cognizant brain is the first layer of the human psyche which is answerable for rationale and thinking. It likewise controls your activities you do purposefully. Cognizant psyche is the main point of interaction of your brain to the external world. It learns at an extremely quick rate and sift through the essential ones moving them to the psyche mind for sometime in the future. This is the reason when you see an entire view you don't recall each easily overlooked detail that you saw, however just the ones your cognizant brain chose to store as a memory. One could contend that the cognizant brain manages lower elements of psyche since mindfulness, examination, fixation are basically bound to the cognizant psyche. Cognizant psyche assists with methodical reflection and choose in light of the sensations. On the off chance that the cognizant brain could be appropriately tuned and kept prepared, it is more straightforward to work proficiently and accomplish objectives. Cognizant brain is one piece of psyche that could be monitored. Subsequently, the more prepared your cognizance the more focused and socialized you become.


Subliminal brain is the phase of psyche between the cognizant brain and oblivious psyche. This is the layer which characterizes you since it holds your convictions, perspectives, values, inspirations and so forth. It doesn't have a careful definition. Subliminal psyche isn't effectively open contrasted with the cognizant brain in light of the fact that the recollections are in a piece further state. Subliminal isn't a term in psychoanalytical composing since it is misdirecting and might be mistakenly perceived as the oblivious brain. Any reasonable person would agree that the psyche mind holds data consumed by the cognizant brain and when cognizant psyche over-burdens they are stored in the inner mind for sometime in the future. The data it contains may not be efficient and, consequently, need mental handling before it is spent for something by the cognizant brain. For a model, attempting to review a telephone number might take some time and recalling specific episodes or associations with that specific number; yet with some work an individual might recollect the numbers successively in light of the fact that it was covered in the psyche mind. At the point when an individual is utilizing memory or data connected with the psyche mind we view it as acting "intuitively".

What is the difference between Conscious and Subconscious Mind?

• Cognizant psyche is the piece of brain which is completely mindful and subliminal brain is a section which isn't in finished mindfulness.

• The data cognizant brain hold is effectively open however to get to data put away in the psyche mind requires somewhat more exertion.

• Cognizant brain is connected with activities that are controllable and subliminal psyche is connected with activities pretty much "natural".

• Cognizant psyche is liable for rationale and thinking however the psyche mind alongside the oblivious brain is liable for an individual's feelings, qualities, perspectives, wants and so on.

Answered 2 years ago Gianna EleanorGianna Eleanor

Have you at any point felt violated? Perhaps your supervisor gave you an uncalled for survey, your dearest companion reliably appears late to meet you for supper or an irregular more peculiar removes you in rush hour gridlock. It's normal to feel outrage, hurt or disturbance in our regular routines — and large numbers of us feel like we're helpless before those feelings.

Yet, imagine a scenario where you realized there was something you could do about those feelings that wash over you. There is, and it begins with understanding how our cerebrums work.

Every one of our cerebrums have both a psyche and cognizant part. Our psyche minds make an extraordinary showing of aiding us through life. It's been assessed that our psyche minds process data at a rate roughly multiple times quicker than our cognizant personalities. At the point when we intuitively stop at a red light or pull away from a hot oven immediately, that is our psyche mind at work.

Our psyche mind fundamentally completes two things. To start with, it runs old projects we've shown it, mechanizing a lot of our day. Second, it attempts to safeguard us and guard us. While this is enormously useful, the psyche mind has its downsides. For us to find success throughout everyday life, it's significant we're mindful of these distinctions, so we should separate it.

Subconscious vs. conscious

Our inner mind can delude us to feel feelings that aren't useful as far as we're concerned. It doesn't maintain that we should be awkward, endure or hurt. Now and again, when we feel indignation regarding something that is occurring "to" us, it's actually our psyche mind empowering us to play the person in question. Since it's simpler and frequently feels improved to fault others or outer conditions for our concerns or battles, the inner mind promptly assists us with doing that. Before had the opportunity to intentionally process and summary a circumstance, the psyche will make statements like: There goes Sally once more, continuously lifting her hand first to catch that venture or opportunity. She's clearly attempting to violate you. You better look out.

Answered 2 years ago Paula  ParentePaula Parente

Sigmund Freud didn"t precisely create the possibility of the cognizant versus oblivious brain, however he absolutely was liable for making it well known and this was one of his principal commitments to brain science.

Freud (1900, 1905) fostered a geological model of the brain, by which he depicted the highlights of the psyche's design and capability. Freud utilized the relationship of an ice sheet to portray the three levels of the psyche.

Freud (1915) depicted the cognizant psyche, which comprises of the relative multitude of mental cycles of which we know, and this is viewed as a glimpse of something larger. For instance, you might be feeling parched as of now and choose to get a beverage.

Oblivious Psyche

In analysis, the oblivious brain alludes to that piece of the mind that contains subdued thoughts and pictures, as well as crude cravings and driving forces that have never been permitted to enter the cognizant psyche.

Freud saw the oblivious brain as an indispensable piece of the person. It is silly, close to home, and has no understanding of reality which is the reason its endeavors to spill out should be restrained.

Content that is contained in the oblivious psyche is by and large considered to be too tension inciting to be permitted in cognizance and is kept up with at an oblivious level where, as per Freud, it actually figures out how to impact our way of behaving.

The oblivious psyche contains mental cycles that are distant to awareness however that impact decisions, sentiments, or conduct (Wilson, 2002).

Sigmund Freud underscored the significance of the oblivious psyche, and an essential presumption of Freudian hypothesis is that the oblivious brain oversees conduct to a more noteworthy degree than individuals suspect. For sure, the objective of analysis is to make the oblivious cognizant.

The oblivious contains a wide range of critical and upsetting material which we really want to keep out of mindfulness since they are excessively taking steps to completely recognize.

Quite a bit of our way of behaving, as per Freud, is a result of elements outside our cognizant mindfulness. Individuals utilize a scope of safeguard components (like constraint or forswearing) to try not to understand what their oblivious intentions and sentiments are.

Answered 2 years ago Thomas  HardyThomas Hardy

Nussbaum says that the cortex "is a tangled mass of cells, with folds and folds that sits cozy inside your skull." He makes sense of that "the cortex is principally liable for the most mind boggling abilities to think, including memory, language, arranging, idea development, critical thinking, spatial portrayal, hear-able and visual handling, temperament, and character." Cortex handling is cognizant; it is purposeful.

Situated underneath the cortex, the more crude subcortex "basically processes repetition abilities and techniques" with the majority of the handling being subliminal (Nussbaum 2010). Instances of subliminal exercises are word handling, tying your shoes, and driving - - things we do routinely. The cortex and subcortex associate in numerous ways and work really together.

Researchers share far reaching understanding about the presence of cognizant and subliminal mental cycles however the exact area of the cycles is fairly questionable. For instance, while Clayman (1991) and Mlodinow (2013) by and large help Nussbaum's cortex - subcortex model, scholar and scientist John Medina (2008) says, "We don't have the foggiest idea about the brain area of cognizance, approximately characterized as that piece of the psyche where mindfulness lives." accordingly, Nussbaum (2014) says there is "no genuine clash" in light of the fact that "the cerebrum takes care of business together as one, yet it can likewise keep up with provincial specialization."

How Our Cognizant and Subliminal Personalities Work

Specialist Scott Peck (1997) says, "The cognizant psyche [drawing on data from our faculties and memory] decides and makes an interpretation of them into activities." to act as an illustration of utilizing your cognizant brain, you characterize an issue, foster elective arrangements, look at them, select one, and suggest it. You know about the mental handling expected for that interaction. With our cognizant brain, we are thinking and we know it.

Conversely, the mental handling in the psyche mind happens without our monitoring it. "The [subconscious] mind lives beneath the surface;" as per Peck, "it is the holder of phenomenal information that we aren't normally mindful of." In that frame of mind of our psyche mind, we are thinking and we don't have any acquaintance with it. During that cognizant critical thinking process depicted in the past passage, we can be sure that the psyche mind is affecting, unbeknownst to us, the cycle.

One sign of the working of your psyche mind: That extraordinary thought that "jumps into your head" or "emerges from the blue." The inner mind, in the event that we can all the more really use it, has incredible potential as proposed by essayist and anthropologist Martha Lagace (2012) who said "Our cognizant brain is very great at keeping guidelines, yet our oblivious psyche - - our capacity to think without consideration - - can deal with a bigger measure of data. Concentrating on the oblivious psyche offers invigorating new roads for research, including innovativeness, independent direction, and rest."

Taking into account further the overall effect on us of our cognizant and subliminal personalities, neuroscientist David Eagleman (2012) expresses "awareness is the littlest player in the tasks of our mind. Our cerebrums run generally progressing automatically." The greatest player is our psyche mind, which, as expressed by Peck (1997), "lives beneath the surface." As delineated allegorically in the accompanying figure, cognizant mental handling is a glimpse of something larger; subliminal mental handling is a lot bigger and undetectable.

Answered 2 years ago Jackson MateoJackson Mateo

The possibly restorative course of carrying these oblivious impacts to cognizant mindfulness permits them to be perceived and adjusted, changing our view of the real world. For instance, an individual encountering self destructive behavior frequently sabotages their own turn of events and neglects to carry out procedures that could uphold their mending. By investigating their examples of conduct, they might understand specific related oblivious constructions, including self-question, a feeling of uselessness and a key doubt of others. These compositions can then deliberately be altered to change the singular's conviction framework, supplanting their practicing self-destructive behavior conduct with self-recuperating.

While tending to the connection among brain and matter, it is relevant to consider that as indicated by quantum physical science, actual substances are more like the psyche than they are to issue (Stapp, 2009). The oblivious brain conducts complex mental cycles that are not normally accessible for cognizant thought, and gives pictures and considerations to the cognizant psyche, which then sees what is viewed as ordinary reality (Oschman and Pressman, 2014).

While mental obstructions separate cognizance and the oblivious (Oschman and Pressman, 2014), it is vital to understand that these boundaries are liquid and ward on our degree of mindfulness and on the capacity to perceive the effect of the oblivious in our cognizant encounters. That the oblivious can influence the material domain is essentially shown by transformation problems (Freud, refered to in Oschman and Pressman, 2014), in which subdued data appears as actual side effects, which thusly may bring this data into cognizance. Instances of transformation problems might incorporate smothered outrage that is put away in the oblivious brain, appearing in the actual body as close hamstrings or neglected mental injury appearing as stammering.

As indicated by Jung, the aggregate oblivious brings about the individual oblivious and awareness (Frentz, 2011). The aggregate oblivious is included data that was rarely cognizant and owes its presence to heredity (Ko, 2011). The individual oblivious contains the versatile oblivious, which processes tremendous measures of data fundamental for everyday working, as well as data that was once essential for the individual's cognizant and has since been neglected or subdued (Oschman and Pressman, 2014; Frentz, 2011).

Answered 2 years ago Kari PettersenKari Pettersen