Why Understanding Searchers Matters More Than Keywords?

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The 90/10 Rules of SEO: Why Understanding Searchers Matters More Than Keywords
SEO is about the searcher's intent or Keywords. If keywords or Search Intent, What percentages ratios matter in SEO
Let's sum up the math, but before you share it with me, have you ever felt lost in the labyrinth of SEO jargon and ever-changing algorithms?
You're not alone. Many perceive SEO as a technical mystery, but at its core lies a fundamental truth: The 90/10 Rules of SEO: understanding your audience.
Momennul Ahmad perfectly captures this 90/10 SEO Essence:
“Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is about 90% understanding how searchers search and get your brand on top of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). The remaining 10% involves optimizing your content for search engines. - Momenul Ahmad
This quote dismantles the myth that SEO is just about keyword stuffing. It's about decoding the searcher's mindset.

The 90% SEO: Cracking the Searcher Code, Read more-  The Rule 90/10 SEO Rule
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Answered a week ago Momenul Ahmad