A Group Of Immigrants Lowered Their Blood Pressure With Help From These Health Workers. Here's Why It Worked.

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
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Before Mohammed Chowdhury met a local area wellbeing laborer in New York City, the safety officer attempted to deal with his diabetes and hypertension.

That changed when he began to work with Mamnun Haq, a prepared local area wellbeing laborer who spoke with Chowdhury in his local language Bengali.

Haq assisted him with fitting his eating routine by empowering him to eat less meat and rice and on second thought top off on staple Bangladeshi vegetables, similar to severe gourd and squash, okra and green papaya, as well as sheem, a sort of level bean. They likewise made a work-out everyday practice: He and his better half made a custom of day to day strolls together.

Presently, his pulse is lower and Chowdhury, 69, says he's "feeling quite a bit better."

Answered one year ago Vijay KumarVijay Kumar