How To Run Code Every Minute Exactly Python?

Asked 6 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 131

Simplifying repetitious jobs in software development mostly depends on automation and task scheduling. Imagine creating a Python script for retrieving data from an API, data processing, or consistent updates that must run every five minutes. Manual executing the script at such regular intervals might be time-consuming and prone to mistakes. Task scheduling then becomes important.

How To Run Code Every Minute Exactly Python

This blog post will walk over how to set up a Python script to run every five minutes so it runs automatically without human interaction. We will go over some methods and libraries you might utilize to reach this aim, thereby helping you to properly automate your chores.

Using the time.sleep() Function

Using the time is one straightforward way to execute a Python function every five minutes.sleep() method lets us add delays in the running of our script. by merging time.sleep() with a loop allows us to establish a 5-minute interval repeating pattern of execution.

For instance

Here is a sample of how this may be accomplished.

import time

while True:
   # Perform the desired operations here
   print("Executing the script...")
   # Delay execution for 5 minutes
   time.sleep(300)  # 300 seconds = 5 minutes

Here we have a while True loop that guarantees our script runs nonstop. The operations we wish to do every five minutes can be housed inside the loop. Here we are only publishing a message; you might substitute your own code.

Between every loop iteration, the time. Sleep(300) statement adds a five-minute delay. Time. Sleep() specifies seconds, therefore three hundred seconds equal five minutes.

Running this script will help you to see that the notification appears every five minutes. This method, however, binds system resources and might not be the most effective alternative for long-running chores or when exact timing is needed.

Using the schedule library, which offers a better degree of control over job scheduling, we will investigate in the following part a more solid and flexible approach.

With the Schedule Library

The schedule package offers a more versatile and feature-rich solution for Python scheduling repeated activities, even if the time. Sleep() method performs effectively for basic scenarios. It gives us other features such error handling and logging and lets us create more intricate plans.

Installing the schedule library first using pip − will help you to start using it.

pip install schedule

Once set up, the library may be imported and your planned chores defined via its API. Allow us to examine an instance −

import schedule
import time

def task():
   # Perform the desired operations here
   print("Executing the script...")

# Schedule the task to run every 5 minutes

# Run the scheduled tasks indefinitely
while True:

In this case, we construct a task() function to reflect the actions we wish to carry out every five minutes. We follow the schedule.every(5) sentence to arrange the work to run every five minutes.

The run_pending() method does any outstanding chores that are checked for. We put it within a while True loop to always look for outstanding work and guarantee the script runs constantly.

Reducing CPU use and enabling the script to react to signals instantly, the time. Sleep(1) command adds a 1-second delay between each loop iteration.

Your scheduling choices are more within your control using the schedule library. Using the wide collection of tools available in the library, you can construct more complicated schedules, arrange chores to run at particular times or on particular days of the week.

We shall discuss error handling and other sophisticated capabilities of the schedule library in the section that follows.

Python Script Executed Every 5 Minutes?

Let us now tour a whole Python script run every five minutes. Assume for the moment that you have previously configured the required surroundings and planned regular script runs using a task scheduler or cron job.

 import time

def run_script():
   # Your script logic goes here
   print("Executing script...")
   # Add your code to perform the desired tasks every 5 minutes

def main():
   while True:
      time.sleep(300)  # Sleep for 5 minutes (300 seconds)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Here, our run_script() tool stands in for the logic you wish to run every five minutes. This capability can cover any needed chores or activities particular to your needs. Here we only print a message to pretend the script is running.

A while True loop found in the main() method guarantees that the script runs constantly. We run the run_script() function inside the loop then use time.Sleep (300) to stop the execution for five minutes, or three hundred seconds. This arranges the script to run every five minutes really nicely.

doing this script will keep doing the required chores every five minutes unless explicitly stopped. Make sure the required scheduling mechanism you have put up calls for the script every five minutes.

Recall to run_script() customizing with your particular logic and duties needing periodic execution.


We looked in this post how to design a Python script running every five minutes. We spoke about the need of planning and arranging the surroundings to guarantee the appropriate intervals for running the script. We also provide a useful model of a script illustrating the execution every five minutes.

In many different fields, automated chores using planned scripts may significantly increase output and efficiency. Running Python scripts on a regular basis allows you to automatically complete any other desired action, conduct repetitive activities, get data, or interface APIs.

Answered 6 months ago Christina Berglund