Norovirus Cases Are Up. Should Travelers Worry?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 190

With norovirus cases on the upswing, some travelers may be rethinking their plans. But there's no need to worry more than usual.

Norovirus cases have risen throughout the U.S. recently, but the numbers are not unusual, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

"The most recent CDC data collected from the NoroSTAT program and the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) show that reported norovirus outbreaks and reported cases from both state health departments and clinical laboratories are increasing, but remain within the expected range for this time of year," a CDC spokesperson told USA TODAY in an email.

The U.S. had a three-week average positivity rate of 16.7% as of late February, according to NREVSS data on the agency's website, up from 14.6% about a year earlier.

Answered one year ago Karl  JablonskiKarl Jablonski