What Are The Four Types Of Data Representation Methods?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 1432

A variety of data representation methods, such as tables, bar graphs, histograms, and frequency plots, provide different perspectives on the same information, and can assist in answering a variety of questions.

In PC association, information alludes to the images that are utilized to address occasions, individuals, things and thoughts.

Information Portrayal
The information can be addressed in the accompanying ways:


Data can be in any way similar to a number, a name, notes in a melodic piece, or the variety in a photo. Information portrayal can be alluded to as the structure wherein we put away the information, handled it and sent it. To store the information in computerized design, we can utilize any gadget like PCs, cell phones, and iPads. Electronic hardware is utilized to deal with the put away information.


Digitization is a kind of cycle where we convert data like photographs, music, number, text into computerized information. Electronic gadgets are utilized to control these kinds of information. The advanced upset has developed with the assistance of 4 stages, beginning with the huge, costly independent PCs and advancing to the present computerized world. From one side of the planet to the other, little and cheap gadgets are spreading all over.

Binary Digits

The parallel digits or pieces are utilized to show the advanced information, which is addressed by 0 and 1. The double digits can be known as the littlest unit of data in a PC. The fundamental utilization of parallel digit is that it can store the data or information as 0s and 1s. It contains a worth that can be on/off or valid/misleading. On or genuine will be addressed by the 1, and off or misleading will be addressed by the 0. The computerized document is a straightforward record, which is utilized to gather information contained by the capacity medium like the glimmer drive, Disc, hard circle, or DVD.

Numeric Data

The number can be addressed in the accompanying manner:

Numeric Information

Numeric information is utilized to contain numbers, which assists us with performing number-crunching tasks. The computerized gadgets utilize a double number framework so they can address numeric information. The double number framework must be addressed by two digits 0 and 1. There can't be some other digits like 2 in the framework. To address number 2 in paired, then we will compose it as 10.

Numeric information is utilized to contain numbers, which assists us with performing math tasks. The computerized gadgets utilize a parallel number framework with the goal that they can address numeric information. The paired number framework must be addressed by two digits 0 and 1. There can't be some other digits like 2 in the framework. To address number 2 in twofold, then we will compose it as 10.

The message can be addressed in the accompanying ways:

Character Data

Character Data can be shaped with the assistance of images, letters, and numerals, yet they can?t be utilized in computations. Utilizing the person information, we can frame our location, hair tone, name, and so on. Character information ordinarily takes the information as text. With the assistance of the text, we can depict numerous things like our dad name, mother name, and so forth.

Computerized Gadgets

A few kinds of codes are utilized by the computerized gadgets to address character information, including Unicode, ASCII, and different sorts of variations. The full type of ASCII is American Standard Code for Data Trade. It is a sort of character encoding standard, which is utilized for electronic correspondence. With the assistance of media transmission hardware, PCs and numerous different gadgets, ASCII code can address the text. The ASCII code needs 7 pieces for each person, where the one of a kind person is addressed by each and every piece. For the capitalized letter A, the ASCII code is addressed as 1000001.

ASCII code can be utilized for numerals like telephone numbers and federal retirement aide numbers. ASCII text contains plain and unformatted text. This sort of record will be saved in a text document design, which contains a name finishing with .txt. These records are named diversely on various frameworks, similar to Windows working framework marked these records as "Text report" and Apple gadgets marked these documents as "Plain Text". There will have no designing in the ASCII text documents. To make the records with styles and arrangements, then we need to implant organizing codes in the text.

Microsoft Succeed

Microsoft word is utilized to make arranged text and archives. It utilizes the DOCX configuration to do this. On the off chance that we make another record utilizing the Microsoft Word 2007 or later variant, then, at that point, it generally involves DOCX as the default document design. Apple pages use PAGES configuration to create the archives. When contrasted with Microsoft Word, it is less difficult to make and alter archives utilizing page design. Adobe Aerialist utilizes the PDF configuration to make the records. The documents that saved in the PDF design can't be altered. In any case, we can without much of a stretch print and offer these documents. In the event that we save our record in PDF design, we can't change that document into the Microsoft Office record or some other record without determined programming.

HTML is the hypertext markup language. It is utilized for record planning, which will be shown in an internet browser. It utilizes HTML organization to plan the reports. In HTML, hypertext is a sort of text in any report containing joins through which we can go to different spots in the record or in different archives moreover. The markup language can be called as a script. To characterize the component inside a record, this language utilizes labels.

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Answered one year ago Rajesh Kumar