What Are The Main Differences Between Python 2 And Python 3?

Asked 10 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 259
  Python 2 Python 3
Release date 2000 2008
Syntax More complex and difficult to interprete Readable and easily understandable
Performance Slower performance due to design flaws Improved performance of the code's runtime compared to Python 2
print function print “Welcome to Datacamp” print (“Welcome to Datacamp”)

In this article, we will cover the principal distinctions between Python 2 and 3, which one is awesome, and which one you ought to go for to begin your information science venture

Assuming you are thinking about breaking into information science, you will likely have caught wind of Python. Python is an open-source, universally useful programming language with expansive relevance in information science and other programming spaces, similar to web and game turn of events, network protection, and blockchain.

The ubiquity of Python has blast as of late. It positions first in different programming language ubiquity records, including the TIOBE File and the PYPL Record. You can study what Python is utilized for in a different article.

Because of its straightforward and coherent punctuation, Python is in many cases refered to as one of the simplest programming dialects to learn for new coders. In the event that you are new to information science and don't know which language to learn first, Python is quite possibly of the most ideal choice. You can begin your information science venture presently by taking Information Researcher with Python vocation track at DataCamp.

However, things can get a piece befuddling. You may likewise have found out about Python 2 and 3. What is this? Isn't there one single Python programming language? Which one would it be a good idea for you to learn? Don't bother focusing: aside from exceptional conditions, at this point, you will continuously utilize Python 3. Anyway, realizing the differences is in every case great.

In the accompanying segments, we will make sense of what Python 2 and 3 are, the principal distinctions among them, and which is the most desirable over learn and utilize.

What is Python 2

Python was created in the last part of the 1980s by Guido van Rossum and disclosed without precedent for 1991. Following nine years of advancement and expanded ubiquity, Python 2.0 was delivered in 2000.

Python 2 accompanied a fresh out of the box new specialized determination called Python Improvement Proposition (Energy), which pointed toward giving rules and best practices to composing Python code. It likewise accompanies new highlights, for example, list perception, Unicode support, and a cycle-distinguishing trash specialist.

Be that as it may, the main change in Python 2 was to the advancement cycle itself. Python was considered as a programming language that is not difficult to learn for fledglings. To accomplish this objective, the group liable for creating Python - with Guido boycott Rossum on top-chose to move to a more straightforward and local area supported improvement process.

Python 2 kept on creating over the long run. Progressive forms added new usefulness to the programming language. The last rendition of Python 2, delivered in 2010, was Python 2.7. The help for this variant finished on January 1, 2020.

What is Python 3

Python 3 is the up and coming age of the programming language. It was delivered in December 2008, alongside a few upgrades and new elements.

Python 3 was not simply one more variant of Python 2 code subsequent to investigating. The new variant definitely changed the language to address security issues and configuration imperfections in past adaptations. Python 3 accompanied another language structure planned to forestall excess or dreary code, that is to say, code that does likewise task in various ways. By giving a solitary, clear approach to getting things done, the usability and clarity of Python 3 has improved significantly.

A portion of the significant changes in Python 3 incorporate changing the print statement to an implicit capability, further developed whole number division, and further developed Unicode support. The idea of these progressions is to such an extent that Python 3 was contrary with Python 2, at the end of the day, it is in reverse contradictory.

Why are there different Python versions?

We should see a few coding guides to delineate the distinctions between Python 2 and 3!

The new print() capability

The print articulation in Python 2 has been supplanted by the print() capability in Python 3, implying that we need to wrap our desired item to print in brackets.

Python 2:

In the following table, you can find the main differences between Python 2 and 3.


Python 2

Python 3

Release date




More complex and difficult to interprete

Readable and easily understandable 


Slower performance due to design flaws

Improved performance of the code’s runtime compared to Python 2

print function

print “Welcome to Datacamp”

print (“Welcome to Datacamp”)

Integer division

The result is an integer value. Decimals are always truncated

The result is always a float value

Unicode support

Uses by default ASCII characters. To store Unicode values, you need to define them using “u”

The default storing of strings is Unicode


xrange() function to create a sequence of numbers

range() function is more efficient when iterating than xrange()

Backward compatibility

Relatively easy to port Python2 to Python 3.

Python 3 is not backwardly compatible with python 2


Many older libraries for Python 2 are not forward-compatible

Most of the new libraries for Python 3 cannot be used in python 2

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Answered 10 months ago Willow Stella