What Is It Like To Live In NYC?

Asked one year ago
Answer 2
Viewed 136
  • I moved to New York City from LA and I was really really excited about it ! So me and my roommate at the time decided to celebrate our big move. I was all set with my bottle of wine but only couldn’t find my wine opener and it was pretty late at night. Luckily for me, I lived right above The Meatball Shop ! So I take my wine down to the restaurant and explain my situation to the bartender. She goes “ anything for our neighbors” and opens it for me and we make some small talk. I can’t imagine something like this happening in LA without having to walk/drive for a few miles !
Answered one year ago Willow Stella
  • The rent is crazzzzzzyyyy ! You could easily be shelling out close to $2k/month to live in a big enough space where you wouldn’t have to be up in your housemate’s face all the time.
Answered one year ago Pirkko Koskitalo