Which kinds of community-based ambulatory patient care facilities qualify for financing from the THCGME?
St. clair health graduate medical education program the specific instances of acceptable outpatient environments include, but are not limited to:
Federally Approved Medical Facilities
Community Mental Health Facilities
Rural Clinics for Health
The Indian Health Service, an Indian tribe or tribal organization, or an urban Indian group run health clinics
An organization that receives funding under the Public Health Service (PHS) Act's Title X
Although not all of the organizations on the list are included, it does illustrate the program's goal of offering training at community-based ambulatory patient care facilities like those on it.

Which residency programs fall within the purview of THCGME funding?
Primary care residency programs may receive financing via the THCGME Notice of financing Opportunity (NOFO) in the following areas:
family practice
Internal medicine
Young people's
Pediatric internal medicine
Obstetrics and gynecology Psychiatry
Pediatric dentistry General dentistry
Note: No money from the THCGME will be given to any other specialty.
Can those who have already received a THCGME award apply?
Indeed. There are two kinds of awards available with this announcement:
grants for the addition of more resident Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs at the HRSA THCGME Programs that are already in place.
As budget allows, additional grants will be given to support resident FTE posts at newly established Teaching Health Centers (THCs). Applicants who have never been paid under the HRSA THCGME Program for the relevant residency program in a prior fiscal year (FY) are considered new THCs.
Are academic institutions and teaching hospitals eligible to receive financing from the THCGME?
No. THCGME funding is not available to organizations that are not community-based ambulatory patient care facilities, including teaching hospitals, academic institutions, health care systems and/or networks.
On the other hand, a community-based ambulatory patient care center may collaborate with community stakeholders (such as academic health centers, universities, medical schools, and teaching hospitals) to establish a st. clair health graduate medical education program consortium, in which case the GME consortium would act as the Sponsoring Institution.
The community-based ambulatory care facility is anticipated to be a key component of the partnership, contributing significantly to the residency's administrative, financial, and academic functions.
Does receiving assistance from the THCGME require my residency program to be accredited?
Indeed. At the time of application, you have to provide proof that the residency program is accredited.
Residency programs that apply must be ready to start training residents on July 1, 2022.
To what extent may I apply for resident full-time equivalents (FTE)?
The number of resident FTEs for which you are asking help under this announcement must be specified. Requests for FTE from residents must meet the following criteria:
Extension: Current grantees of the HRSA THCGME residency program may ask for an increase in the number of resident FTEs trained by the program beyond the baseline, which is the number of resident FTEs in Academic Year (AY) 2018–2019. If, by the project period start date of July 1, 2022, the proposed resident FTEs are not supported by another Federal or State funding source, then such expansion requests may only be filed for resident FTEs that are presently not otherwise funded by HRSA. AY 2022–2023 is when newly funded THCGME residents must begin their training.
New THCs: Applicants to new residency programs must show that the amount of resident FTEs they are requesting is necessary and that it exceeds the program's baseline. The program's training of resident FTEs in AY 2018–2019 serves as the baseline. If, by the project start date of July 1, 2022, the requested resident FTEs are not and were not financed by HRSA, including under HRSA-22-105, or supported by another Federal, State, non-profit, or for-profit funding source, then new applicants may seek THCGME support for resident FTEs. AY 2022–2023 is when newly funded THCGME residents must begin their training.
Requests for resident FTEs for THCGME assistance may be made by expansion and new THC applicants who are already training residents; however, all requests must be above the resident FTE baseline and cannot exceed the number authorized by the appropriate accrediting body for the program.
If I applied for the earlier FY 2022 THCGME opportunity, are I eligible to apply for money via this announcement?

Indeed. Since the baseline requirements have changed and applicants may be eligible for extra resident FTEs, all qualified candidates—including those who applied via the prior FY 2022 THCGME NOFO (HRSA-22-105)—may apply through this notice for resident FTE jobs.
Under this NOFO, newly certified THCs as defined by HRSA 22-105 may apply:
If the changed baseline definition makes them eligible for additional resident FTEs, and only for the difference between the number of resident FTEs they are eligible for under this NOFO and the number they have already been given under HRSA-22-105.
In accordance with HRSA 22-105, applicants do not need to reapply for resident FTEs for which they have previously received notification of award.
Applicants may reapply via this announcement if they were not selected for an award under announcement HRSA-22-105.
I have another federal funding source that currently supports resident FTE jobs at my program; may I apply for THCGME funds to support those positions as well?
No, money received from a THCGME award cannot be used to match or take the place of money received for the same reason from another source. monies from the THCGME cannot be utilized to replace or displace any financial source—federal, state, local, tribal, nonprofit, or for-profit—that has been authorized or allocated for the same resident FTEs' purposes. Instead, the monies must be used for program activities.
Exist any priority that may be obtained by this announcement?
Indeed. When it comes to awarding new THCs, the THCGME Program has three (3) financing priorities:
Rural Community Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Medically Underserved Community
For new THC applicants who meet the requirements, there are up to 15 points available across the three (3) financing objectives.
It is acceptable for new THC applicants to apply for more than one priority. Applicants may also apply to this notice without requesting a funding priority if they are seeking new THC prizes.
Are more than one THCGME application permitted?
Indeed. Applications from an organization for more than one THCGME are accepted.
Applications for financing from the THCGME that support more than one residency program must be submitted separately by the entities interested in doing so.
To distinguish across applications, you should give each training program in the project abstract a special name.
Every application will get a different score.
Finances and Budget
What is the FTE award amount for each resident via this announcement?
Support for both direct medical education (DME) and indirect medical education (IME) is included in the formula-based THCGME Program payment. $160,000 per resident FTE will be the interim payment amount for FY 2022. Due to changes in the payment system and/or available expenditures, the payout rate may vary in the next fiscal years.
Can the start-up expenses of residency programs be covered by financing from the THCGME?
No. Only the expenses of resident FTE training may be covered by awards obtained via this announcement.
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Which kinds of community-based ambulatory patient care facilities qualify for financing from the THCGME?
St. clair health graduate medical education program the specific instances of acceptable outpatient environments include, but are not limited to:
Federally Approved Medical Facilities
Community Mental Health Facilities
Rural Clinics for Health
The Indian Health Service, an Indian tribe or tribal organization, or an urban Indian group run health clinics
An organization that receives funding under the Public Health Service (PHS) Act's Title X
Although not all of the organizations on the list are included, it does illustrate the program's goal of offering training at community-based ambulatory patient care facilities like those on it.
Which residency programs fall within the purview of THCGME funding?
Primary care residency programs may receive financing via the THCGME Notice of financing Opportunity (NOFO) in the following areas:
family practice
Internal medicine
Young people's
Pediatric internal medicine
Obstetrics and gynecology Psychiatry
Pediatric dentistry General dentistry
Note: No money from the THCGME will be given to any other specialty.
Can those who have already received a THCGME award apply?
Indeed. There are two kinds of awards available with this announcement:
grants for the addition of more resident Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs at the HRSA THCGME Programs that are already in place.
As budget allows, additional grants will be given to support resident FTE posts at newly established Teaching Health Centers (THCs). Applicants who have never been paid under the HRSA THCGME Program for the relevant residency program in a prior fiscal year (FY) are considered new THCs.
Are academic institutions and teaching hospitals eligible to receive financing from the THCGME?
No. THCGME funding is not available to organizations that are not community-based ambulatory patient care facilities, including teaching hospitals, academic institutions, health care systems and/or networks.
On the other hand, a community-based ambulatory patient care center may collaborate with community stakeholders (such as academic health centers, universities, medical schools, and teaching hospitals) to establish a st. clair health graduate medical education program consortium, in which case the GME consortium would act as the Sponsoring Institution.
The community-based ambulatory care facility is anticipated to be a key component of the partnership, contributing significantly to the residency's administrative, financial, and academic functions.
Does receiving assistance from the THCGME require my residency program to be accredited?
Indeed. At the time of application, you have to provide proof that the residency program is accredited.
Residency programs that apply must be ready to start training residents on July 1, 2022.
To what extent may I apply for resident full-time equivalents (FTE)?
The number of resident FTEs for which you are asking help under this announcement must be specified. Requests for FTE from residents must meet the following criteria:
Extension: Current grantees of the HRSA THCGME residency program may ask for an increase in the number of resident FTEs trained by the program beyond the baseline, which is the number of resident FTEs in Academic Year (AY) 2018–2019. If, by the project period start date of July 1, 2022, the proposed resident FTEs are not supported by another Federal or State funding source, then such expansion requests may only be filed for resident FTEs that are presently not otherwise funded by HRSA. AY 2022–2023 is when newly funded THCGME residents must begin their training.
New THCs: Applicants to new residency programs must show that the amount of resident FTEs they are requesting is necessary and that it exceeds the program's baseline. The program's training of resident FTEs in AY 2018–2019 serves as the baseline. If, by the project start date of July 1, 2022, the requested resident FTEs are not and were not financed by HRSA, including under HRSA-22-105, or supported by another Federal, State, non-profit, or for-profit funding source, then new applicants may seek THCGME support for resident FTEs. AY 2022–2023 is when newly funded THCGME residents must begin their training.
Requests for resident FTEs for THCGME assistance may be made by expansion and new THC applicants who are already training residents; however, all requests must be above the resident FTE baseline and cannot exceed the number authorized by the appropriate accrediting body for the program.
If I applied for the earlier FY 2022 THCGME opportunity, are I eligible to apply for money via this announcement?
Indeed. Since the baseline requirements have changed and applicants may be eligible for extra resident FTEs, all qualified candidates—including those who applied via the prior FY 2022 THCGME NOFO (HRSA-22-105)—may apply through this notice for resident FTE jobs.
Under this NOFO, newly certified THCs as defined by HRSA 22-105 may apply:
If the changed baseline definition makes them eligible for additional resident FTEs, and only for the difference between the number of resident FTEs they are eligible for under this NOFO and the number they have already been given under HRSA-22-105.
In accordance with HRSA 22-105, applicants do not need to reapply for resident FTEs for which they have previously received notification of award.
Applicants may reapply via this announcement if they were not selected for an award under announcement HRSA-22-105.
I have another federal funding source that currently supports resident FTE jobs at my program; may I apply for THCGME funds to support those positions as well?
No, money received from a THCGME award cannot be used to match or take the place of money received for the same reason from another source. monies from the THCGME cannot be utilized to replace or displace any financial source—federal, state, local, tribal, nonprofit, or for-profit—that has been authorized or allocated for the same resident FTEs' purposes. Instead, the monies must be used for program activities.
Exist any priority that may be obtained by this announcement?
Indeed. When it comes to awarding new THCs, the THCGME Program has three (3) financing priorities:
Rural Community Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Medically Underserved Community
For new THC applicants who meet the requirements, there are up to 15 points available across the three (3) financing objectives.
It is acceptable for new THC applicants to apply for more than one priority. Applicants may also apply to this notice without requesting a funding priority if they are seeking new THC prizes.
Are more than one THCGME application permitted?
Indeed. Applications from an organization for more than one THCGME are accepted.
Applications for financing from the THCGME that support more than one residency program must be submitted separately by the entities interested in doing so.
To distinguish across applications, you should give each training program in the project abstract a special name.
Every application will get a different score.
Finances and Budget
What is the FTE award amount for each resident via this announcement?
Support for both direct medical education (DME) and indirect medical education (IME) is included in the formula-based THCGME Program payment. $160,000 per resident FTE will be the interim payment amount for FY 2022. Due to changes in the payment system and/or available expenditures, the payout rate may vary in the next fiscal years.
Can the start-up expenses of residency programs be covered by financing from the THCGME?
No. Only the expenses of resident FTE training may be covered by awards obtained via this announcement.
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