What Is The Work To Do After Joining As An SEO Analyst Or Other Post In A Digital Marketing Company?

Asked one year ago
Answer 1
Viewed 170


GOOD..! Good question.

As Junior Digital Marketing Executive. I didn't take any courses after my MBA. I actually didn't know much about digital marketing and its depth.

I joined a company for 3 months as a Jr. Digital Marketing Executive Trainee. And then I got to know the depth of digital marketing (I mean 1% out of 100).

It's not an easy job, I thought then. We can't say that, it's the end of the job or the job of digital marketing. Every day we face new challenges, new topics and gain new knowledge about them. I myself often compare digital marketing to the sea. Because we cannot judge it by what we see above or at the eye of the throat.

Here's what you can do to build your career after the digital marketing course. (I offer to the best of my knowledge and belief)

Work as a digital marketing manager and gain deep knowledge and experience at the same time.

First, I suggest you head to startups if you're new. There is a lot to learn from these big companies.

Learn all about running a business and customer relationships, as well as experience digital marketing. When you feel ready or confident after 3-5 years of experience, you can start your own business using digital marketing as an investment.

(I think you got my full marks if you like it? Please vote)

Answered one year ago White Clover   MarketsWhite Clover Markets