What Should Be Included In A Pregnancy Survival Kit?

Asked 5 months ago
Answer 1
Viewed 116

Welcome into the Pregnancy Survival Kit, the pregnant honeymoon-phase!

After surviving the first trimester, you are feeling much better (ideally) and at last you have told your loved ones you are expecting! Right now is an interesting period.

Pregnancy Survival Kit

You will be aware from reading my First Trimester Survival Kit article that my first trimester felt really unpleasant. You will forget how terrible it was in a few weeks 

I am posting the items and routines that made my second trimester be more pleasant on this blog post.

Goodbye morning illness

I will not lie; for me, the morning sickness persisted for twenty weeks before beginning to lessen. But for the sake of this essay, I will concentrate the second trimester-part around the time when my morning sickness finally disappeared – and create place for some new symptoms, yeah!

Said otherwise, I had the most enjoyment in the second trimester. I began to feel more like me. My energy restored and I felt rejuvenated and productive. I also felt at last like eating semi-normal meals and veggies once more!

I have included some symptoms I went through and what I did about them:

Itchy skin—especially that of the breasts and the belly

Your skin will get quite, very itchy as your belly—along with the rest of your body—starts to swell. Sometimes it became for me complete body itching. Who knew?

Some people believe that stretch marks can be avoided with appropriate belly moisture. One person advised me to "get your pre-baby body back more easily" by at least twice a day moisturizing.

My two bits on this subject: No matter how often you moisturize, stretch marks can still show. Their largely genetic nature is evident They are also gorgeous! They narrate a story. Do not let them scare you.

Having said that, regardless of the stretch mark argument, receiving some comfort from that itchy skin makes moisturizing twice daily worthwhile.

These are the items I discovered to be most beneficial.

Burt's Bees Mama Belly Butter — In the first trimester, this one was excellent as it smells nothing and I am quite sensitive to scents!

Mama Mio Tummy Rub Butter has excellent quality and smells divine. I only have to moisturize once a day, hence I am not overly itchy. After my showers, I treat my entire body with it.

Congenital nasal congestion

My best companion in the second trimester was my sinus rinse as my nose was usually blocked! Here is a page about this interesting pregnant complaint.

I performed two things to aid with nasal congestion.

Twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, I utilized my Neti Pot.

Though I assure it will work miracles, this isn't the most "sexy" approach of treating your plugged nose. It can also assist with coughing; many of our coughing from blocked sinuses results from ingesting too much mucus. (I know, nasty! ) The sinus rinse most useful for me is this one.

2. I bought a bedroom humidifier.

This kept the air in our bedroom wet, so preventing excessive plugging of my airways at night. I suggest the humidifier shown here!

Fun fact: We have placed the humidifier in the baby's room as they need one even though nasal congestion is a thing of the past.

Leg cramps:

Particularly at night, those leg cramps might be really severe due to hormonal changes and a calcium and magnesium deficiency. Make sure you receive adequate magnesium and calcium as waking from incapacitating cramps is never fun. Regular Epsom salt baths and calcium and magnesium supplements proved most beneficial, as well as making sure the water isn't hot!

I take half of one tablet every night from my preferred magnesium supplement.

My preferred calcium source is:

Epsom salt for a bubble bath meant for self-care

Mental health and physical appearance

My mental health certainly sank deeply during pregnancy and I struggled to talk about it. Everyone feels quite happy for you when you say you are pregnant. You start to feel as though you are flawed since you are not feeling so good. It greatly makes one feel guilty.

Still another item about which women are made to feel ashamed.

I had to make sure I took very excellent care of my mental health so I could get through trying circumstances.

Here I wrote more on my experience with pregnancy anxiety and sadness.

Here are some activities I used to get through the pregnant lows: journaling
There are some excellent prompts in this pregnant notebook.

You might also engage in "morning pages," in which case you write first thing in the morning. This stream of thought is free from guidelines. First things in the morning, it's a terrific way to sort of "word vomit" and release any invasive ideas.

Physical personal maintenance

Sometimes all I would do for the day would be shower and moisturize. I would then get back into my jammies and curl up into bed. My non-negotiable self care, however, is completing my skin care regimen and shower or bath.

Though I wasn't feeling particularly good, it was the one thing that kept me feeling as though I was still tending to my body.

Maintaining basic cleanliness will be quite beneficial in trying circumstances. Ignoring it would make us feel even worse.

BetterHelp counseling

Having almost four years of therapy, I view it as a necessary component of my self-care.

My preferred therapy is BetterHelp, particularly if COVID has made it difficult to personally see a therapist.

BetterHelp is a web tool matching your requirements with a therapist or mental health practitioner.

For numerous reasons, including that I can do it from the comfort of my own house using my mobile phone, laptop, or tablet, it is my preferred method of getting therapy.

After registering, you complete a survey to help to match the appropriate supplier for your particular need.

You are never trapped in since my therapist has been excellent and I only changed therapists once—also quite easy to do.

Another thing I enjoy is that you may check in with your therapist every single day if necessary. Video calls, audio only calls or text messages and sending back and forth PDFs provide you as much help as you need for "homework."

Each week is $65 USD, and those who qualify can apply for financial help.

Though it's global, keep in mind it's not a crisis line.

Go to betterhelp.com/ownitbabe to get 10% off your first month of counseling.

So you have it right there. My second trimester survival tool. I wish it would enable you to enjoy and find comfort in your second trimester.

1. Newton Homeopathic Drops:

I enjoy these small tinctures. Not to be misled, these herbal remedy medical bottles have potency. Based on the idea that the body might repair itself with minute quantities of natural elements like minerals and plants, homeopathy is a medicinal method. It's about seeing the body as whole instead than suppressing symptoms. The pill for an ill mentality is the reverse. Mothers that swear by this product and one for their children first brought me to know this company. Using these for my daughter has made me completely believe (get the pellets instead of the liquid tincture). For me, these adult complexes have completely changed things. This one for varicose veins; another for bladder or liver support; even another for incontinence. Herbal medicine is beautiful in that, although of course I am not a doctor or specialist, it is usually always safe for pregnant women to consume. Before I started, my acupuncturist and midwife did receive them approvals. I was hopeful and also understood that they would
be great assistants in my postpartum recovery process, even if I did not expect miracles (clearly there was a 7lb baby pressing down on my vagina at all times).

2. Tea derived from red raspberry leaves

I daily drank two to three glasses of this tea. Knowing I would be dragging a small human out of my vagina, I was ready to do whatever to assist prep my body and all my parts. For millennia, red raspberry leaf has been used to prepare the womb for childbirth and tone the uterus—where the baby lives—as well as the cervix, opening of the uterus where the baby enters the vaginal canal. Please, yes.

3. Oil capsules evening primrose

I began adding evening primrose oil capsules at thirty-six weeks. Yes, like you were pushing in a tampon, up into your vagina. I started at 500mg and raised weekly. At 37 weeks 1,000 mg; at 38 weeks 1,500 mg; at 39 weeks 2,000 mg. This is the strategy advised by my midwife that worked for me. First, absolutely discuss with your baby team, doctor, or midwife. It does not bring about labor. Another instrument used to assist in uterine preparation for delivery is With my first pregnancy, I underwent a fairly quick, unmedicated vaginal delivery. Whether genuine or placebo, I am convinced that one thing is the silver bullet to some illusive and totally non-existent perfect labor—not that one thing will solve everything. Insert them at night; part of the oil will leak out and you really should not care about undies. You know that's occurring; sometimes I will split the dosage and insert half before bed and then the other half when I get up to pee.

4. Complete Nursery plus baby ready.

There comes a time when, in terms of "prepping," you simply have to say enough is enough. Get this done with a few weeks or a month to spare so you may simply be rather than feeling as like you have to always be busy organizing and planning. The bedding for the daybed and the light fixture installation are waiting for me. That is then it. Officially, I classify it as "complete" and cross it off my list. I enjoy working in the nursery. Dreaming about carrying our tiny newborn soul in my arms, I sit in the glider. Imagine the evenings I will spend not sleeping on the daybed just next to the crib for baby. Remember that once the baby arrives, she or him will show you exactly what you need. It also isn't quite as much as you might believe. Less is precisely the game here. Not handling a lot of items you neither need nor never use will make you quite glad.

5. Personal Hygiene

Experience has taught me that my routines for self-care will shortly fall last on my list. I'll go months without a mani/pedi; my roots will be awful for temporarily; a shower comprising washing my hair, cleansing my body, exfoliating, shaving (legs/armpits/bikini) will be a dream for some future version of myself. Hitting this is difficult. And I know it will be especially more so with a toddler and a newborn. Though promise does not endure forever, newborn land is worth sacrificing these things; it is also why I front load them heavily the last few months of Pregnancy Survival Kit. Whatever your definition of self-care is, do it and plenty of it. Yoga 3-4x/week, daily meditation (5-10 minutes), facials, massage, mani/pedis, fresh haircut + color, lengthy showers, going to bed early, more than usual take-out (no cooking/dishes), date evenings looked like this. Though I really wanted naps, they never happened (I swear it is my toddlers aim in life to find me as soon as I attempt a nap). I am about to start a very demanding season in my life. This is replenishing your tank so you may head into labor and your fourth trimester feeling as rested and ready; it is not self-serving or indulgent. I'm stating this to help me to remember and apply my own counsel.

6. Grain free granola so bomb + coconut Yo Living yogurt + blender bombs

These are my everyday main foods. Yogurt bowls combining this yogurt and this granola captivate me. My best mix is CocoYo Vanilla + blueberries + flax seed + banana + unsweetened coconut flakes + cinnamon + cluster crunch granola + this almond butter. For me it strikes all the notes. I call Florida home. It's pleasant and balmy; having a little heater in my belly makes me run hot all the time. I want chilled food during the day. This is absolutely filling and fulfilling, flavorful and sweet (without making you feel beached). I have always been a smoothie girl, thus discovering Blender Bombs was everything. Right now, this is my fave; second closely is this. Add the bomb butter; this makes the ideal mid-day meal or snack at any time. Eating light (but frequent) plant based meals with snacks during the day has kept my energy up and removed the heavy/lethargic sensation that can hit me down at 4pm.

7. FroP bars

I consume these items all day. You get it on the way to a doctor's appointment, in the car line for afternoon pick-up, that odd in between time when it's not quite dinner. Though not filling, they are delicious plus healthful and pleasant. My first choice tastes are this one and this one.

8. Chiropractor Corrections

Since my baby was born, I have experienced unpleasant and agonizing lower back discomfort on my left side. Something about the way I worked or positioned myself—mostly on my back—shifted something within that hasn't quite found its way back. Not surprising given this. This Pregnancy Survival Kit has made things worse, hence I have been visiting a fantastic chiropractor and it has helped. My entire body feels better, not just my lower back. I break like a stack of popsicle sticks, and the release is instantaneous. He has also been a terrific reminder of the body as a whole and the interdependence of all things. My back problem does not exist apart from my incontinence problem. Treating the source of one treats everything at once. Although right now my body is in a terrible situation, I am quite hopeful that these self-care routines will pay off in spades following my delivery.

09: Ice Pack plus heating pad

Usually, I bring both to bed and alternate hot and cold on my back, calves, neck/shoulders, anywhere my body is crying for some TLC. I also always remember to treat all of my sensitive areas before bed. After a full day of momming a toddler and tending to a new one, this pre-bed ritual is a sliver of me-time I eagerly await.

10. Dejunk ( once more)

I purger. Grand time. This is why the second and third trimester lists reflect this. This already slightly compulsive inclination gets quite strong while I'm pregnant. I begin with one room, say the kitchen. I then reduced it to an extremely tiny level, including every cabinet and drawer. Refrigerator. The kitchen. We each have a junk drawer. The postal container. The key tray for sunglasses and loose changes. That all. Nothing gets out of my sight. I do this in every room that annoys me (all of them) until they stop bothering me. When I end with a space, I feel as though I have spent the day in a spa or engaged in a deep meditation—please say you can relate. I feel light and energized, also spacious. Given that right now my body feels heavy, slow, and suffocating, this is an incredible sensation. It's free, soothing, and indeed a game- changer. For me, mess and clutter from the outside produce the same inward sensation. Start with the one room you spend most time in. Sort the sh*t out of it. Promise you not to regret it.

Answered 5 months ago Mercado Wolski