How Does The Good Doctor End Season 7?

Asked 9 months ago
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As anyone might expect, Dr. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) emphatically wrestles another life from the jaws of death in the series finale of the ABC clinical show "The Good Doctor."

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The virtuoso specialist with mental imbalance and intellectual disorder initiates a remarkable treatment to save his companion and previous partner Dr. Claire Browne, played by unique cast part Antonia Thomas, who returned for the last two episodes.

The greater shock in Tuesday's "Good Doctor" end is the patient Shaun couldn't save.

Tear Dr. Aaron Glassman (Richard Schiff), the coach and mentor who battled to employ Shaun at San Jose St. Bonaventure Emergency clinic seven seasons prior. Glassman's cerebrum malignant growth returned in the penultimate May 14 episode, and the splendid neurosurgeon bites the dust in the finale.

"The finale introduced one situation where the arrangement was seen as because of Shaun's refusal to surrender, and one situation where Shaun expected to acknowledge what he was unable to help," says chief maker Liz Friedman. "The most difficult thing for Shaun is relinquishing helping Dr. Glassman medicinally and basically being there for him inwardly."

This is the way Season 7 and "The Good Doctor" finale (presently gushing on Hulu) worked out.

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"Good Doctor" fans have seen this high-stakes situation previously, with altogether different outcomes. In the Season 1 finale, Shaun went determined to track down a remedy for Glassman's terminal cerebrum disease finding. Glassman was prepared to quit any pretense of, taking Shaun on the merry go round he regularly visited with his girl to discuss kicking the bucket.

"However, Shaun couldn't quit fixating on the medication all things considered, and in Season 1 he was correct," says Friedman. "Shaun tracked down a way that (Glassman) could be saved."

In the finale, Shaun contemplates a clinical answer for Glassman and Browne, who got back from her primary care physician's post in Guatemala be treated for a growth that ended up being bosom disease.

This time, Shaun acknowledges there won't be a wonder answer for Glassman. Nonetheless, the specialist is unyielding about regulating untested treatment to Claire, despite the fact that the Food and Medication Organization denied the crisis utilization of the potential fix his group created.

The area of Shaun's discourse is urgent: It's a similar emergency clinic meeting room where Glassman energetically beat the table and conveyed the day pushing for Shaun's recruiting in the September 2017 pilot episode. In that debut, Shaun talked powerfully in a similar meeting room about needing to be a specialist to save lives. "What's more, I need to rake in boatloads of cash, so I can have a TV" he added.

The meeting room set must be revamped for the finale, where the perishing Glassman makes another intense stand: He consents to control the unapproved methodology to Browne, safeguarding Shaun right to the end.

What happens in the end of 'Good Doctor' finale?

There is no Glassman demise scene or memorial service. In a succession of pictures, Shaun rides the carousel again with Glassman. Then Shaun is imagined in progressive shots without his guide — first alone on the ride, and at last with his better half and two kids.

The finale gets out ahead 10 years, as Shaun provides Glassman with a tribute of sorts during a TED Talk that he devotes to his tutor. The crowd is loaded up with Glassman's Bonaventure Emergency clinic family, including Browne, who sits with her accomplice Dr. Jared Kalu (Chuku Modu) and their grinning youthful little girl.

The TED Talk screen includes the names of the patients Shaun has saved, which the specialist credits to Glassman. "He instructed me that when you contact one life, you don't simply contact one life," he says. "You contact each life that life contacts."

Claire's is the keep going name to show up on the screen. The following slide shows that Shaun has regarded his guide's existence with The Dr. Aaron Glassman Starting point for Neurodiversity in Medication, which he runs with Browne.

After the adulation, the emergency clinic staff leaves the TED Talk discussion with enormous embraces all over. In a voiceover, Shaun honors his tutor. "Due to Dr. Glassman, I have numerous companions, and I have a family," he says. "Furthermore, I have two TVs."

Shaun's work and viewpoint will go on even as "Good Doctor" closes.

"To me, Dr. Shaun Murphy is still out there assisting individuals and saving lives with his remarkable, captivating interpretation of things," says Friedman. "I trust the crowd feels those experiences are as yet occurring. We simply don't get to see them consistently."

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Answered 9 months ago Pirkko Koskitalo